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时间:2021-12-11 10:56来源:毕业论文
应用有限元软件桥梁博士建立桥梁 上部结构模型,模拟其实际受荷,并对结构的受力、变形进行计算分析。全桥安 全结构验算包括了承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态验算,再根据

摘要此毕业设计依据的是现行的公路桥涵设计通用规范,通过对工程地质剖面图、 桥位平面图的研究分析,提出了三个比选方案,分别为预应力混凝土连续梁桥、 双塔单索面斜拉桥、预应力混凝土连续刚构桥,并从施工难度、造价、适用性及 美观性四方面出发,进行综合性的比较,最终选择了连续梁桥方案。75293

本设计按照规范,参考已有的桥梁设计实例进行桥梁结构设计,包括结构总 体布置,主梁结构尺寸拟定,预应力束布置。应用有限元软件桥梁博士建立桥梁 上部结构模型,模拟其实际受荷,并对结构的受力、变形进行计算分析。全桥安 全结构验算包括了承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态验算,再根据验算结果 调整预应力束的布置,使设计满足规范要求。

毕业论文关键词 预应力混凝土 连续梁桥 结构设计 预应力束布置 结构验算

Title Design of prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge

Abstract This design is based on the existing General Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts,three alternative programs , which are prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge,twin-towers with single cable plane cable stayed bridge and prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge,have been proposed by analyzing the engineering geological profile and bridge site topographic map。By comparing the difficulty of construction, cost,applicability and aesthetics,choosing prestressed concrete continuos beam bridge as the recommended program。 

According to the specification,the design of bridge structure,which contains the general layout of the structure, determination of the size of the main beam and the layout of prestressed beam。,is carried out by referring to the existing examples of bridge design。This design applies finite element analysis software Dr。Bridge to establish the computational model of the superstructure of prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge,simulate the actual loading on the bridge structure and calculate the force and deformation。The structural checking include the ultimate limit state and the limit state。Then adjusting the arrangement of the prestressed reinforcements according to the result of the checking calculation in order to meet requirements of structural design specification。 

Keywords  prestressed concrete  continuous beam bridge  structural design  the layout of prestressed beam  structural checking calculation


1 绪论 1

2 设计说明 2

2。1 工程概况 2

2。2 设计依据 2

2。3 技术标准 2

2。4 地质条件 2

2。5 设计规范 2

3 桥型方案比选 3

3。1 设计原则 3

3。2 桥型方案 3

3。2。1 三跨预应力混凝土连续梁桥设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_86206.html
