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时间:2022-03-20 13:36来源:毕业论文

摘要本设计是年卸港量为 60000 吨的渔港码头,位于鸭绿江入海口,本设计中船型 为 185HP 的渔船。首先对码头资料进行整理分析,继而开始码头平面布置,设计码 头各结构尺寸并对设计计算进行验算。79000

根据渔码头卸港量对码头进行总平面的布置,确定码头的结构形式,并对面板、 纵梁、横梁、桩、靠船构件等结构进行总体设计。

本设计分为平面布置和码头结构设计两部分。其中渔港的平面布置包括码头泊 位数计算以及码头岸线长度的确定,进行陆域面积和水域面积的计算。总平面布置 中,根据已知的设计水位,确定码头前沿高程、前沿设计水深以及前水域底高程。 在最重要的码头结构计算中,设计了面板、纵梁等结构的尺寸,并对其进行配筋以 及验算,横梁剪力弯矩的计算则借助易工软件,结构设计完成后,进行了图纸的绘 制,包括:总平面图、码头三视图、各结构配筋图等。最终完成渔港码头的结构设 计。


Abstract This design is the annual discharge port 50000 tons of fishing port, located in the the Yalu River estuary, the ship design for 185HP fishing。 First of all, the data of the  terminal is analyzed, and then the layout of the wharf is started。 The structure size of the wharf is designed and the calculation is carried out。

According to the fishing pier discharge amount in Hong Kong on the terminals of total plane layout to determine wharf structural types, and the panel, a longitudinal  beam, a cross beam, pile, by ship components and structure were overall design。

This design is pided into two parts, layout and wharf structure design。 The layout of the fishing port berths calculation and quay length determined, the calculation of land area and water area。 In the general plan layout, according to the known design water level, the wharf front elevation, the front design water depth as well as the height of the front water area floor are determined。 In the most important wharf structure calculation, design the panel, longitudinal structure size, and carries on the reinforcement and checking, beam shear forces and bending moments calculated by easy software, after the completion of the structure design, drawings, including: three views of general layout, terminal, the structure reinforcement and。 Finally completed the structural design of fishing port wharf。

Key words: Layout, structure, design

第一章 1

1。1  项目概述 1

1。2  地理位置及交通状况 1

第二章 渔港水产品卸港量的发展水平预测 2

2。1  渔场和渔业资源 2

2。2  渔港水产品卸港量发展水平预测 2

2。3  设计代表船型 3

第三章 自然条件情况 5

3。1  气象 5

3。2  水文资料 7

3。3  地貌与工程地质 8

3。4  地震 9

3。5  泥沙运动及回淤分析 9

第四章 渔港总平面布置 10

4。1  各类码头泊位数计算 年卸港60000吨丹东鸭绿江渔港工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_91334.html
