Performance Analysis of Track Structure of Shanghai Metro Line 1
ABSTRACT: With the construction of a large number of subway, the application of ballastless track more and more widely, there are plate and other double block and other ballastless track。 In the subway train load the repeated role of the ballastless track may be destroyed, so the structural analysis of the ballastless track is necessary。 In this paper, the research object is a double block ballastless track, and the finite element model is established by ANSYS finite element software。 The correctness and applicability of the double block ballastless track model are verified by the analysis of the model。 This article reads as follows:
(1) Summarize the development of ballastless track at home and abroad, mainly summarizing the current state of national research on the development of ballastless track in Japan and Germany。
(2) The type structure of the track of Shanghai Metro Line 1 is stated。 The rail used in Line 1 is 60kg / m rail, and the gauge is 1435mm, and the No。 9 turnout is used。 Fastener type using DT Ⅲ type, track shock absorber, WJ-2 type, ZG, ZB type。
(3) According to the double-block ballastless track characteristics and analytical accuracy requirements to determine the type of model, this time decided to establish a separate reinforced concrete structure。
(4) The double-block ballastless track model was established by ANSYS。 The load was loaded on the surface of the sleeper。 The results showed that the stress at the sharp angle of the sleeper on the bed plate was larger。 When the load was 240KN, the stress at the sharp angle reached 13。6MPA , The center of the sleeper strain is relatively large, in the case of a load of 240KN reached 0。01mm。
KEYWORDS:Bllastless track; Finite element;strerss;string
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 上海地铁1号线简介 1
1。2研究背景及其意义 1
1。2。1 研究背景 1
1。2。2研究意义 2
1。3无砟轨道的特点 2
1。4国内外研究综述 3
1。4。1国内研究现状 3
1。4。2国外研究现状 4
第二章 上海地铁1号线轨道类型与结构 ANSYS上海地铁1号线轨道结构性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_95170.html