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时间:2022-11-24 22:56来源:毕业论文



Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumer’s Purchase Decision-Making of Fast Fashion Clothing

Abstract Due to its unique advantages, fast fashion clothing has showed strong competitiveness since it entered the China Market。 However, in recent years, the developments of fast fashion clothing companies are worrying。 The study begins with several typical consumption models。 And combining with the consumption characteristics of fast fashion clothing, the factors model of consumer purchase decision was built。 According to the model, a questionnaire was after designed。 Then with the methods of descriptive statistics and One-Way ANOVA for data analysis, the influences of the five factors (including the-inner-of-product factors, the-external-of-product factors, psychological factors, personal factors and related groups factors) on consumer's purchasing behavior were concluded。 Finally, this paper gives advice on promotion of the consumer’s buying decision for fast fashion clothing companies。

Keywords: fast fashion clothing; purchasing decision; influencing factors

目  录

0 引言 1

1 理论基础 2

1。1 快时尚服装概念 2

1。2 消费者行为影响因素 2

1。3 消费者购买决策相关理论 2

2 快时尚服装购买决策模型构建 5

2。1 快时尚服装消费特征分析 5

2。2 快时尚服装消费模式影响因素分析 6

2。3 快时尚服装购买决策影响因素模型构建 7

2。4 问卷设计 8

3 快时尚服装购买决策阶段影响因素分析 10

3。1 问卷回收 10

3。2 样本概况 10

3。3 快时尚服装购买决策阶段影响因素分析 11

4 快时尚服装提升顾客购买决策建议 17

4。1 因素影响情况总结 17

4。2快时尚服装购买决策提升建议 17

结论 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

附录 23


0 引言

快时尚服装由于其快速、时尚的内涵,自诞生起就拥有着传统服装所不可比拟的优势,很快收获了大批主流消费者的喜爱。随着快时尚服装市场占有率的快速增长,国际上出现了许多具有强大竞争力的快时尚服装品牌,在服装零售市场掀起了新一轮的世界商业竞争。这些成功的品牌企业资本实力雄厚、管理经验丰富、生产技术先进,在零售终端不断地进行扩张,很快地将这种服装设计理念带入中国并抢占了中国的服装零售市场。快速时尚的服装销售模式进入中国后,许多国内品牌企业看好它的发展潜力,将其积极推行。于是,一时间来自国外和中国本土的快时尚服装争奇斗艳,占领了各个繁华的角落,成为各大卖场随处可见的景象。论文网 快时尚服装消费者购买决策影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_102451.html
