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时间:2022-12-04 21:01来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:征地拆迁 ;政府责任;角色定位

Research on the Government Responsibility of  Land Expropriation and Housing Removal Disputes In Case of Xin he County

Abstract Along with the development of China's economy, the number of land requisition and demolishing is gradually increasing as well, and the exposed problems of the existing land requisition and demolishing are becoming more and more obvious, especially for the role of government played in land acquisition and relocation。 According the analysis result of the case of Xin he village,this paper analyzed that the following situations are likely to appear in local governments: to become seekers of developers in politics, the speculator of selling the land in a low price, the violent law executor who ignores the rules and the politicians who are in pursuit of career achievement。 There are many reasons for why the government plays so many roles, mainly for the following points: there is no normative rule in the countries, the lack of necessary supervision systems, the information inequality between the government and the public, the phenomenon of rent-seeking, etc。 We find that corresponding solutions to these problems should be put forward: explicit government power and responsibility; reasonable compensation mechanism for land expropriation; standardized law enforcement procedures; perfect social ensuring system。 All of these are particularly necessary。

Keywords:  land acquisition ;behavior of the government ;Role positioning

目  录

0.引言 1

1.相关综述与理论研究基础 1

1。1国内外相关研究 1

1。2征地拆迁的相关理论基础 2

2.征地拆迁纠纷中政府行为及原因分析——以新河乡为例 4

2。1新河乡土地拆迁出现的现状及其问题 4

2。2政府在征地拆迁过程中出现的问题 6

2。3政府行为失当的原因分析 9

3。征地拆迁政府行为改进的措施 10

3。1明确征地拆迁中政府的角色与承担的责任 10

3。2在市场的环境下制定合理的征地赔偿机制 13

3。3 建立健全失地农民最低生活保障制度 14

结论 16

致谢 17

参考文献 18


0 引言

随着十八大以后中国现代化进程进一步加快以及经济的飞速发展,商业和工业用地不断增加,在保证经济发展与保证耕地红线的同时,征地拆迁成为了不可避免的话题。随着拆迁数量的增加,出现的问题也越来越多,信访者不断。这一现象出现的最主要原因是农民的相关土地利益得不到有效的保障,而政府也并未在土地拆迁中扮演着其应尽的角色,表现最明显的是被拆迁与拆迁者之间的赔偿与安置问题。这些问题严重损害了公民的基本政治权力与经济权力,给人民群众造成了极大损失,也影响了政府在公民心目中的形象与地位。由此可以看出,政府征地拆迁问题已经不再仅仅表现为一个简单的征地与赔偿问题,实际上它已经涉及到法律、政府职能、公众权利等诸多领域。正如所说“人们奋斗所争取的一切,都同他们的利益有关”[1] 。利益关系是人与人交往的最根本的决定因素,它是支配所有活动的准则。而土地则是农民核心的利益所在,这就造成了征地拆迁问题日益严重主要原因。因此越是复杂的利益博弈,越是需要公正的相关法律来规范它的行为,因为这是宪法和法律赋予公民最基本的法律权益。因此“裁判者”这一角色显得尤为重要,这就需要国家行政部门与司法部门来充当。在政府本质属性即公利性的前提下,因此政府在日常的公共事务中维护和捍卫公民利益成为了重中之重。但是,在现实中,政府也有着自身的利益即为了维护政府日常发展所需要的经济基础即具有自利性,这也就是造成政府角色尴尬的主要原因。论文网 征地拆迁纠纷政府责任研究新河乡为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_105694.html
