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时间:2022-12-08 22:22来源:毕业论文



A Study on the Strategy of Medical Enterprise Network Marketing Based on the Platform of WeChat

ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of mobile Internet, people's consumption habits have changed dramatically。 Because of the influence of many factors on the WeChat marketing of medical enterprise, this paper first discusses and analyzes its influencing factors, which are mainly pided into the macro factors and the micro factors。 This paper is combined with the marketing case of Zhenjiang First People's Hospital on WeChat platform, and find the shortcomings of the marketing of WeChat: the platform construction is not perfect, the risk of personal privacy security, platform incentives single, users’ word of mouth is not good。 Then this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on the product, price, place, promotion of the four put forward several feasible strategies。

Key words: WeChat platform; medical enterprise; network marketing

目 录

0 引言 1

1 医疗企业微信营销理论概述 2

1。1 网络营销 2

1。2 微信营销 2

1。3 医疗企业微信营销特征 2

2 影响医疗企业微信营销的因素分析 3

2。1 宏观因素 3

2。2 微观因素 4

3 案例:镇江市第一人民医院微信营销策略 5

3。1 “镇江市第一人民医院”微信平台简介 5

3。2 “镇江市第一人民医院”微信营销存在的问题 6

3。3 “镇江市第一人民医院”微信营销策略 9

3。3。1 加强平台建设,优化平台服务 9

3。3。2 制定价格策略,刺激用户需求 10

3。3。3 创新营销渠道,广泛吸引用户 11

3。3。4 加强宣传推广,赢得用户口碑 12

结  论 14

致  谢 15

参考文献 16

附录 17


0 引言


本文通过对镇江市第一人民医院微信平台的分析研究,对其微信营销中的不足之处进行归纳分析,并通过参考文献,运用网络营销和微信营销的相关理论知识,旨在为镇江市其他中小型医疗企业做出一点贡献。 微信平台的医院网络营销策略研:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_107841.html
