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时间:2023-03-19 16:59来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 胃药类广告;胃病患者分析;新媒体传播;媒体策略

Study on the integrated communication mode of the new media platform for the brand of stomach medicine

Abstract:The study of domestic drug advertising is like opening a door to the study of the Chinese market。 Among them, the most representative of China's drug advertising development is drug advertising。 Grasping the point, drug advertising experience and rules, trends can be obtained one by one。

  Now the big data era, user data become more detailed and transparent。 Data analysis application in advertising, will get rid of the lack of traditional media delivery model, through more effective and accurate way to win the user's favor, to meet user demand, promote marketing effectively to users for the replace with commodity as the traditional center of the past。 Through the research of this topic, elaborates the data analysis in gastric drug advertising value and analysis of large data of gastric drug advertising。 

KeyWords:Gastric drug advertisement;Analysis of patients with gastric drug;New media communication;Media strategy 

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

1、早期的广告活动 1

2、现代广告行业的兴起 1

3、广告行业的兴起 1

(二)选题的目的与意义 2

(三)国内外相关研究综述 3

1、国外研究现状 3

2、国内研究现状 5

二、传播媒介与媒介分析方法概述 6

(一)传播媒介 6源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

1、电视广告 6

2、出版物广告 6

3、户外广告 6

4、广播广告 6

5、数字媒体广告 7

(二)媒介分析方法 7

三、胃病患者药品选择行为分析 9

(一)胃病患者人群概述 9

(二)胃病患者行为习惯分析 9

1、意识 9

2、参与 10

3、分享 胃药类药品媒体平台新型传播模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_150225.html
