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时间:2023-03-19 19:53来源:毕业论文



Investigation and research on the satisfaction degree of medical security of urban residents in Shanghai

Abstract: As one of the most developed cities in Shanghai, it is of great significance and reference for Shanghai residents to study the satisfaction degree of Shanghai residents to medical insurance。 It also contributes a lot to the development and innovation of China's medical security。 This paper first introduces the survey of adult urban residents in Shanghai, and defines the scope and population of the survey。 Secondly, through sampling survey and data analysis, the intuitive feelings of the residents in Shanghai city and the satisfaction degree of the current medical insurance system are studied。 The accuracy of the problem can be verified in different directions from different angles and wide areas, and the objective conclusion can be drawn。 In order to explore the objective law of medical insurance operation and development。 What is the attitude of urban residents satisfaction on physical security。 Is it satisfactory or not?。 Where is satisfaction, where is dissatisfaction?。 What is satisfied and how specific it is, this article starts with details and key issues。 Grasp the main direction of residents' satisfaction with medical insurance。 It is the theme of the study, which runs through every link of the investigation process。 Look at this issue with innovation and development。 Of course, due to the limitation of objective conditions, the contents of the survey may not be comprehensive, research methods are not proper, but according to the progress of the study, the correct adjustment problems, timely manner。 Everything is more comprehensive, more truly reflect the theme of the truth is our responsibility and mission of College students。 Finally, it is found that although the residents in Shanghai are slightly questioned and dissatisfied with some systems and institutions, the overall operation of the medical insurance in Shanghai is still satisfactory。 It is proved that the mode of medical insurance for Shanghai residents is advancing with the times and unique。 It is the model and example of national medical insurance operation。 

Keywords:  Medical model; Medical security; Medical improvement; ShangHai

目  录

一、 绪  论 1

(一)研究背景 1源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究回顾 2

(四)研究方法 2

二、 上海市居民医疗保险参与状况 3

(一)医疗保险调查的人群地域和年龄范围 3

(二)被调查上海城市居民的收入 上海城市居民医疗保险满意度调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_150236.html
