Pros And Cons Of Studying Abroad
Abstract:Studying abroad is the realization of the dream, which might have lingered in your heart since you were a kid. Freedom, independence and opportunity to live on your own and moreover, a completely different social and academic ambience certainly promise a thrilling experience. But, like all other things under the sun, a lifetime opportunity to study abroad in one of your dream universities comes with certain concomitant disadvantages. Moving away from friends and family to enter into strange new world may often seem frightening. But, once you can get over your fears and misgivings, a promising glittering career awaits you. These minor trifles can’t hinder your path. As a matter of fact, a degree from a foreign university offers a huge uplift to your CV and hence, the perks are many. All you need is a beforehand idea of the pros and cons associated with staying and studying overseas, so that you can begin the process of acclimatization much before you set your foot on a foreign land.
Key Words:Studying abroad; Pros; Cons
一、 绪论 3
(一) 课题研究的目的与意义 3
1、研究目的 3
2、研究意义 3
(二)课题的研究现状和发展趋势 4
1、研究现状 4
2、研究课题的发展趋势 4
二、 出国留学热 5
(一)出国留学热的概况 5
(二)出国留学的优势 6
1、学习上的优势: 6
2、生活上的优势 7
(三) 出国留学的弊端 7
1、学习上的弊端 7
2、生活上的弊端 7
3、国家层面的弊端 9
三、中国学生出国留学的群体对比 9
(一) 中国中学生出国留学 9
1、中学生留学状况 9
2、中学生出国留学的利与弊 10
3、总结 10
(二) 中国大学生出国留学状况 10
1、大学生留学状况 10
2、大学生留学的利与弊 11
3、总结 11
四、 课题总结 12
(一)课题结论 12
(二)个人感想与展望 12
五、研究方法 13
优尔、参考文献 14
七、致谢 15
(一) 课题研究的目的与意义
近几年来,中国的经济发展得越来越快,而在这种飞速发展的背景下,改革开放也迎来了越来越显著的成果,这其中就包括我们所熟悉的出国热。出国深造也开始慢慢成为了热门,更多的学子选择了出国继续自己的学业,那么这样一个现象,究竟是利大于弊,还是弊大于利?研究这样一个看似是大势所趋的现象,是为了让更多准备和我一样准备出国的学生更多角度去审视这样一个决定,全面了解出国深造的利与弊,更好地拿捏自己的未来。 中国学生出国留学热的利与弊:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_15897.html