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时间:2023-04-19 22:59来源:毕业论文
生鲜电商消费者感知风险对购买意愿的影响及对策研究。影响消费者购物的一个重要因素是其对风险的感知。本文从消费 者感知风险的六个维度出发,结合生鲜电商实际情况

摘要生鲜电商被认为是电商市场最后一片蓝海且具有万亿的市场潜力,经过近 5 年的快速发 展,各大电商平台都开辟了生鲜频道,传统企业也纷纷试水生鲜市场,整个生鲜电商市场规 模连年剧增。但因为生鲜产品的特殊性,导致近 90%的企业处于亏损状态,市场渗透率也不 足 3%。因此生鲜电商又被成为“电商市场最难啃的一块骨头”。88446

据国外学者研究显示:影响消费者购物的一个重要因素是其对风险的感知。本文从消费 者感知风险的六个维度出发,结合生鲜电商实际情况,对全国各大一、二线城市消费者进行 随机抽样调查,计划发放问卷 300 份,运用相关回归等数据处理方法,分析其对消费者购买 意愿的影响因素及程度。最后,将得出的结论与实际结合,提出提高产品质量与性价比,完 善物流运输系统与售后服务体系等提高信任感知改善生鲜电商销售的建议。

Abstract:Fresh online retail is considered to be the last place of the online retail market and has great market potential。 With nearly five years of rapid development, the major online retailing platforms have opened up fresh channels。Traditional companies also tried getting into the fresh market, and the size of the entire fresh online retailing market has expanded year after year。 However, the particularity of fresh products leads to nearly 90% of enterprises being in the red as well as the market penetration being less than 3%。 So the fresh online retail has become "the hardest nut to crack" in online retailing market。源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766

According to the research of foreign scholars, consumers' perception of risks is an important factor affecting their shopping。 Based on six dimensions of consumers' risk perception and 300 questionnaires in a random sampling survey on the consumers of the first and second tier cities in China, this thesis adopts the data processing methods such as related regression to analyzes its impact on the purchase of consumers and the extent of the impact。 Finally, the conclusions are combined with reality。 It puts forward some suggestions about improving the sense of trust to improve the sales of fresh online retail: improving product quality and cost-effectiveness, improve the system of logistics transportation and after-sales service system, etc。

毕业论文关键词:生鲜品;生鲜电商; 感知风险; 购买意愿;冷链物流

Keyword: Fresh goods; Fresh electricity business; Perceived risk;Purchase Intention;Cold Chain Logistics

第一章 引言 4

1。1 研究背景和意义 4

1。2 研究内容 5

1。3 研究方法 5

第二章 文献综述 5

2。1 关于生鲜电商行业的相关研究 5

2。2 关于消费者网购意愿影响因素的相关研究 6

2。3 研究中存在的问题 6

第三章 理论分析 6

3。1 生鲜电商 6

3。1。1 生鲜产品的定义 6

3。1。2 生鲜电商的定义 7

3。1。3 生鲜电商的发展阶段 7

3。2 感知风险理论 8

3。3 消费者购买意愿 9

第四章 构建模型与数据分析 生鲜电商消费者感知风险对购买意愿的影响及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_161058.html
