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时间:2018-05-23 11:42来源:毕业论文

The problem of philanthropy in our country and countermeasures research
Abstract:Philanthropy is the regulator of social interests must be, is the harmonious society's important strength, philanthropy is to carry forward the spirit of helping and love each other and build positive ethics one of the best ways and means, has a narrow the income gap, resolving social contradictions, promote the development of Shared achievements of irreplaceable objective function. However, affected by traditional culture in our country, many entrepreneurs of the family sense of responsibility is very heavy, accumulate wealth for their children, this to a certain extent, affect the development of philanthropy. In addition, the public voluntary form of charity is not rich enough, countries for the development of charity mechanism, legal mechanism still exist many defects, and did not play out legal efficacy. Therefore, how to correctly guide and to develop charity concept, shape the entrepreneur's social responsibility, establishing and perfecting the mechanism of the development of philanthropy in China, the legal mechanism, development with Chinese characteristics is the efforts in the direction of the social charity need, also is the indispensable process to realize a harmonious society.   Keywords:charity;Philanthropy;problem;counterplan
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的    1
(三)研究意义    2
二、文献综述    2
(一)国内研究现状    2
(二)国外相关情况研究    3
1、美国    3
2、加拿大    3
3、英国    4
(三)研究综述    4
三、我国慈善事业的发展现状分析    5
(一)国际大环境提供了良好发展机遇    5
(二)社会和谐发展要求    5
(三)国家政策营造有利的发展环境    6
四、我国慈善事业存在的问题    6
(一)对于我国慈善事业存在问题的调查    6
(二)存在问题    7
1. 文化环境存在的问题    7
2. 制度环境存在的问题    7
五、对于我国慈善事业存在问题的对策讨论    9
(一) 营造有利于慈善捐赠的社会文化环境    9
(二) 强化慈善组织建设 提高慈善组织公信力    10
(三) 推进发展慈善事业的制度建设    10
优尔、结论    11
参考文献    13
致谢    15
    中国现代慈善事业发展时间还比较短,却取得了较为显著的成就,改革开放以来,随着经济的快速发展和社会的全面进步,当代慈善事业应运而生,蓬勃兴起,不断发展。各种慈善机构如雨后春笋般在神州大地上发展,自1981年成立了全国首家慈善公益组织———中国儿童少年基金会。在30多年的时间内,以基金会、慈善会和中国红十字会为主体的慈善组织不断发展壮大。1994年中华慈善总会在北京成立,此后,各地纷纷成立了地方性的慈善总会或慈善协会。与此同时,一些纯民间性的慈善机构也纷纷成立。 我国慈善事业存在问题与对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_16182.html