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时间:2023-04-29 22:00来源:毕业论文

摘    要二十世纪八十年代我国实行改革开放政策以来,尤其至九十年代后,中国与世界各国的经济往来达到前所未有的水平。由于拥有巨大的消费市场和丰富的人力资源,中国受到越来越多国家、财团和海外集团公司的重视,成为全球的投资热土。据统计,截止2016年12月,中国的外商投资企业达到1058769个。众多的外商投资企业的设立,不但加速了我国经济的市场化进程,也带来了外国企业经营管理的先进理念。但同时,外商投资企业,特别是中外合资企业面临着因文化差异而产生的管理困惑,甚至因为文化冲突未能得到妥善解决而导致企业经营受到影响,尤为甚者,某些合资企业因此而解体。88532



Abstract Since 1980s,China's reform and opening policy, especially after 90s, economic exchanges with other countries in the world to achieve Chinese hitherto unknown level。 Due to the large consumer market and abundant human resources, Chinese by more and more countries, corporations and overseas group companies attention, become a global hot spot for investment。 According to statistics, by the end of december 2016。 1058769 foreign invested enterprises in Chinese。 The establishment of foreign invested enterprise, not only to accelerate the process of marketization of China's economy, also brought the advanced management concept of foreign enterprises。 But at the same time, foreign invested enterprises, especially Chinese and foreign joint ventures are faced with the management confusion caused by cultural differences, and even because of the cultural conflict can not be properly resolved, resulting in the impact of business operations, especially, some of the joint ventures and therefore disintegrated。

The United States from the beginning of 1960s,the cross culture management has been studied in many aspects, provides a good theoretical basis for the research results of different cultural backgrounds in cross-cultural conflict management。 The study on cross cultural management in China started in 90s。 With the increase of multinational companies and the expansion of business scale,management of cultural differences the effect is more and more prominent, so according to the characteristics of Chinese cross-cultural management research has important significance。

Key words: joint venture; cultural factors; cross cultural management

目    录

一、绪论 4

(一)研究背景 4

(二)研究意义 4

二、文献综述 5

(一)文化及文化源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 差异 5

(二)中外合资企业中的文化差异 6

三、跨文化管理冲突表现及原因 7

(一)跨国公司跨文化冲突的表现 7

(二)公司管理中出现的主要问题原因分析 7

四、跨文化管理冲突的对策 9

(一)培养合格的跨文化管理人才 10

(二)增强中外双方沟通与协调 全球化背景下的跨文化管理冲突表现及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_163031.html
