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时间:2023-05-17 22:55来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The rapid development of electronic commerce make the network shopping become a new trend, the market structure change of speed let people off guard, in this particular time of the Internet age, everyone is enjoying the never leave home can buy everything he needs。 Online shopping is increasingly rely on the general public and recognition, express service as a key link in the link of online shopping, with the continuous development of online shopping, the demand of express service is in constant expansion。 Due to express industry into the threshold low, express industry system, lack of standard industry express enterprises are numerous large and small。 It is reported, China's express delivery industry rapid development in recent years, with average annual growth of 40。4%, in 2015 the national express cumulative volume up to 20。67 billion, China has become the world's first online shopping and express powers。 Express industry as a typical service-oriented businesses, however, in such a competitive environment, spell price is hard to get the market share, therefore how to analyze the consumer's psychology and targeted seize their own effective customer, improve customer stickiness is the top priority。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Domestic and foreign research on the relation between the express service quality and customer loyalty research and express service for consumers to choose in the price of this is more, from the consumer psychology to analyze its study is less, in choice of Courier service based on the situation, this article will analysis for the consumer, Courier service consumption evaluation psychology model is set up, in order to develop targeted marketing strategy and service。


Keyword: Courier service;The quality of service;Consumption upgrade;Mental models;Content analysis; In-depth interview method

目    录

1引言 6

1。1选题背景 6

1。1。1电子商务大环境下快递服务成为刚需 6

1。1。2 快递服务的现状 6

1。1。3 服务消费成为主流,消费升级 6

1。2 研究意义 7

1。3 研究的创新点 7

2 国内外研究现状 8

2。1 服务质量的概念 快递服务消费的服务质量评价心理模型研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_168371.html
