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时间:2023-06-03 10:04来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The festival tourism becomes an indispensable part in Chinese tourism industry。 It plays an important role in the sustainable development of tourism。 More and more people pay close attention to the festival activity especially the large festival activity。 The festival activity can show the nature’s and culture’s charm, improve the popularity and infect the economic and environment of the city which holds the activity。 As a large festival activity, the holding of the Horticultural Exposition will promote the development of festival tourism and affect the tourism industry of the city。 At present, compared with foreign researches in the development of festival tourism, China needs to pay more efforts。 The article takes the 9th Jiangsu Suzhou Garden Exposition as an example, in accordance with the domestic and foreign research and in combination with the characteristics and influences of the Horticultural Exposition, to explore the  influence of the large festival tourism to promote the sustainable development of urban tourism。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766

Keywords: Large festival tourism, the 9th Jiangsu Suzhou Garden Exposition, Suzhou,Festival tourism brand


1。 引言 3

1。1 研究背景 4

1。2 研究的目的及意义 4

1。3 研究方法 5

2。 文献综述 5

2。1 国外大型节事对城市旅游影响研究 5

2。2 国内大型节事对城市旅游影响研究 6

2。3 节事相关概念研究 7

案例分析 8

3。 第九届江苏省园艺博览会概述 8

3。1 苏州举办园博会的基础条件 8

3。2 苏州园博会的建设举办状况 8

4。 园博会对苏州城市旅游的影响 10

4。1 提高城市旅游知名度 11

4。2 丰富城市旅游产品 11

4。3 改善城市旅游环境 11

4。4 调整城市旅游布局 12

4。5 增加城市旅游收入 12

5。 借助大型节事促进苏州城市旅游发展的对策 12

5。1 明确完善政府职能 12 大型节事对苏州城市旅游的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_173137.html
