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时间:2023-06-24 10:15来源:毕业论文

摘    要由于公务员工作本身的社会服务性和稳定性特征,各国大学生都比较青睐公务员工作,以大学生的视角来当代探讨大学生对公务员形象的认知可以促进公务员形象的改进。笔者通过调查问卷了解到大学生对当前国家公务员形象的不同方面有着不同的看法:对于日常形象,大学生认为总体一般,但要注意日常穿着和行为举止要符合场合,避免助长不正之风;对于服务能力形象,大学生认为公务员在为民办事实有所欠缺,主要是角色定位错误、行政办公不作为导致的;在廉洁奉公形象方面,大学生认为公务员贪污腐化较为严重,这是由于公务员的行政伦理出现偏差所致。提高公务员形象,我们可以通过加强思想教育,提升公务员的道德修养;切实走群众路线,树立人民公仆的形象;完善监督机制,确保公务员行政规范;优化大众传媒路径,输出积极的公务员形象。89229

Due to the characteristics of social serviceability and stability of civil servants, the graduate students of many countries are inclined to be civil servants。 On the view of graduate students studying the cognition to the image of civil servants can make contribution on the improvement of image of civil servants。 The author acknowledged that there are different opinions on different prospects of contemporary image of civil servants among graduate students。 For the daily image, they at large think it average, but they think civil servants should pay attention to their dressing and acts to avoid the unhealthy atmosphere。 For the ability of service, they think it is not strong enough from the result of work by civil servants。 It is mainly due to the incorrect role definition and false execution。 For the spirit of clean and devoted, they think the corruption and degeneration are serious, which is due to the deviation of moral principles of some of the civil servants。 To improve the image of civil servants, we should strengthen the moral education to improve the moral cultivation of civil servants。 We should be adhere to mass line to build a healthy image of civil servants。 We should complete the system of supervision to ensure the normative execution。 We should improve the mass media to disseminate a positive image of civil servants。


Keyword: college students; Civil servants; Image

目    录

一、大学生对当前公务员形象的看法 4

(一)关于公务员的源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766 外在形象 4

(二)关于公务员的服务能力形象 5

(三)关于公务员的廉洁形象 5

二、国家公务员形象存在的问题 6

(一)外部形象有待提高 6

(二)角色定位有偏差 7

(三)伦理道德有偏颇 7

(四)行政过程中存在违纪违法现象 8

三、如何提高公务员形象的对策 9

(一)加强思想教育,提高道德素质 9

(二)坚持走群众路线,提升服务能力水平 10

(三)完善监督机制,确保规范行政,廉洁奉公 10

(四)优化大众传媒路径,传播公务员积极形象 10

四、结论 11

参考文献 论当代大学生视野下的国家公务员形象:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_179809.html
