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时间:2023-06-22 11:17来源:毕业论文

摘    要近年来随着社会的快速发展以及科技的不断进步,人们的生活质量得到保证,精神需求也随之得到提升。21世纪被称为“休闲时代”,休闲成为城市居民日常生活中越来越重要的组成部分,人们也普遍认可其对于提高生活品质的重要性,在此基础上残疾人休闲也是一个需要探讨的重要话题。在这个自由平等的社会里,残障者也拥有追求休闲生活品质的权利,而国内研究者对残障者的休闲研究甚少,因此,研究该问题,对于提高残障者的休闲体验有着重要意义,社会也应该要有符合其休闲的设施及产品。本研究以杭州市的青年残障者为研究对象,通过文献法和问卷法,分析其休闲需求及障碍因素,为提高残障者的休闲品质提出建议,促进残障者休闲产品的开发与研究。89206

Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of society and the continuous advancement of technology, people's quality of life has been guaranteed, the spiritual needs will also be promoted。 Twenty-first Century is called ‘‘leisure time’’, leisure has become more and more important part of the city residents' daily life,and people generally recognized the importance of improving the quality of life 。 On the basis,leisure for the disabled is also an important topic to be discussed。 In this free and equal society, disabled people also have the right to pursue the quality of leisure life。 But domestic researchers have few studied on the leisure life of people with disabilities。Therefore, the study of this problem is of great significance to improve the leisure experience of the disabled。Society should also have leisure facilities and products that meet the needs of people with disabilities。 The objects of this study are the young people with disabilities in Hangzhou,analysis of the leisure needs and barriers by means of literature and questionnaire。 In order to offer a proposal to improve the leisure quality of the disabled and promote the development and research of disabled leisure products。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766


Keyword: Young disabled;Demand orientation;Leisure products;Development

目    录

摘    要 2

Abstract 2

1。引言 5

1。1选题背景 5

1。1。1社会进步与生活方式的变革 5

1。1。2休闲是残障者享有的权利 5

1。1。3残障者休闲是我国公民休闲的重要组成部分 5

1。2。研究意义 6

1。2。1理论意义 6

1。2。2实践意义 6

1。3研究综述 6

1。3。1国外研究综述 6

1。3。2国内研究综述 7

1。4研究思路及方法 7

1。4。1研究思路 7

1。4。2研究方法 7

2。相关概念及理论基础 8

2。1残疾人的定义及其心理特征 8

2。1。1残疾人的定义 8

2。1。2残疾人的心理特征 8

2。2残疾人休闲 青年残疾人需求导向的休闲产品开发研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_179353.html
