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时间:2018-06-28 18:10来源:毕业论文

Small and medium-sized enterprises in henan province and countermeasures of employee training
Abstract:with the coming of the erea of knowledge economy, small and medium-sized enterprise survival environment worsening and the pressure of competition, the competition between small and medium-sized enterprises show the human resources competition gradually.If small and medium-sized enterprises want to strengthen the core competition ability, staff training must should be done.Improving employees' comprehensive quality, making the knowledge skill levels consistent with the latest trends of the market development. But small and medium-sized enterprises in henan province in the staff training is useless, training goal unclear, improper training methods, such as myth, companies are major causes of employee training error, social aspects and factors to the employees themselves; Therefore, the small and medium-sized enterprises in henan province to the pitfalls of staff training, should be taken to establish new idea of training, training plan, using the appropriate training methods and other measures.
Key words:Henan province; Small and medium-sized enterprises; Employee training
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、中小企业员工培训概述    2
(一) 员工培训的内涵    2
(二)企业员工培训的意义    2
(三)企业员工培训的原则    3
二、河南省中小企业员工培训的误区    4
(一)培训无用论    4
(二)培训目的不明确    5
(三)培训方法不当    5
(四)轻视培训评估和监督    5
(五)重视技能培训, 忽视做人培训    6
三、河南省中小企业员工培训误区的原因分析    6
(一)社会方面的原因    6
(二)企业方面的原因    7
(三)员工方面的原因    9
四、解决河南省中小企业员工培训误区的措施    10
(一)树立全新培训理念    10
(二)制定培训计划    10
(三)运用适当的实训方法    11
(四)完善培训评估制度    12
(五)加强员工思想道德培训    12
参考文献    14
致谢    15
伴随着我国市场经济的向纵深发展,全球经济一体化的进程的加快,企业间的竞争也愈演愈烈。在迅速变化的市场中,中小企业凭借市场适应能力强,产业转换灵活、方便等经营优势,成为我国经济形式的重要组成的一部分,而且在改革开放的三十多年里为我国经济发的展作出了令人瞩目的成就。然而目前,中小企业因长期体制的不健全及经营资源限制,已经无法适应其在高科技时代的继续生存和发展的要求,因而,中小企业要想摆脱困境,必须开展“再次创业”,实现中小企业自身的可持续的发展战略,就必须高度重视对企业所有内部的员工的培训,以增强员工素质教育的培训作为击败竞争者的有力武器。 河南省中小企业员工培训中的误区与对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_18460.html