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时间:2023-08-06 15:26来源:毕业论文

摘 要近年来,随着农村信息化建设的不断推进,政府的各项政策支持,各大电商巨头纷纷布局农村市场,农村电商得到了迅猛发展。但是由于我国电子商务自上而下的发展模式、农村网民的特点以及基础设施的制约,农村电子商务的发展仍不成熟,其过程中也存在诸多亟待解决的问题和不足。本文主要运用案例分析法对课题展开论述,以农村淘宝、京东3F战略和汇通达的O2O模式三个具体项目为例探讨农村电商发展中“最后一公里”的物流问题。文章从相关背景入手,首先阐述了农村电子商务发展的现状,接着重点分析了农村淘宝的经营模式以及菜鸟物流的建设,然后分析其主要竞争对手的优劣势,最后探讨了农村淘宝发展的完善对策。89567

毕业论文关键词:农村电商; 物流; 资源整合

Abstract In recent years, with the advancement of the rural informatization, the support of the policies of government, each big electronic business corporations start to develop the rural market, rural electricity business develops rapidly。 But because of the model of China's e-commerce is top-down, the characteristics of customers in rural areas, the development of rural e-commerce is still not mature。 There are many problems to be solved during this process。 In this paper, I use case analysis on subject to discuss。 There are three specific project, such as Taobao in the rural areas, 3F strategy of Jingdong in the rural areas and O2O mode of Huitongda。。I use them as the example to solve the "the last kilometer" problem of logistics。 From the perspective of the relevant background, first I elaborate the present situation of rural electronic commerce development, then I analyze the business model of rural Taobao's, and the construction of logistics, then I analyze the advantages and disadvantages of its main rival, finally I put forward the measures to the improvement of the rural development of Taobao。 

Keyword: e-commerce in rural areas; logistics; resources integration

目 录

1。 农村电商物流发展源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 现状 4

2。 农村电商物流的特点及要求 4

3。 领先农村电商平台物流模式分析 5

3。1。 农村淘宝 5

3。1。1。 农村电商战略—扩充物流站点职能 5

3。1。2。 村淘物流SWOT分析 5

3。1。3。 村淘物流模式的创新点 7

3。1。4。 村淘物流模式评价 7

3。2。 京东 8

3。2。1。 3F战略—实现生活、生产双向物流 8

3。2。2。 三级物流模式创新点 8

3。2。3。 京东物流模式的优劣势 9

3。3。 汇通达 10

3。3。1。 本地化O2O平台模式—整合小规模物流点 10
