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时间:2023-08-06 16:34来源:毕业论文

摘    要杭州作为历史文化名城,优质的旅游资源是其旅游业发展的一大动力。然而,进入大众旅游时代,随着旅游目的地的数量不断增加、质量不断增长,人们对旅游体验的要求也在不断提高,仅依靠优质旅游资源对游客的吸引力越来越弱,因而杭州的旅游景区管理追求的不再是旅游人次的增长上,更多的是发掘旅游对人们生活品质提升的意义,以“全域旅游”拥抱“大众旅游的新时代”。本文在参考了大量国内外文献的基础上,采用实地调查的方式搜集数据,不仅分析了西湖游客体验质量研究的必要性,而且针对西湖游客体验中存在的问题,对如何提升西湖旅游质量提出了具体的意见,本文的创新点在于提出一套合理可行的西湖旅游产品和服务反馈机制,该机制不仅考虑到互联网大数据的时代背景,而且结合了基于改进的马斯洛需求层次理论的旅游体验质量评价模型,可以对景区的旅游项目以及政府政策进行反馈及评估。89591


Investigation and Enlightenment of tourist experience quality in Hangzhou West Lake

Abstract As a famous historical and cultural city, Hangzhou is a great driving force for the development of its tourism industry。 However, in the era of mass tourism, with the number of tourist destinations, increasing quality is constantly increasing, people on the tourism experience requirements are constantly improve, only rely on the quality of tourism resource attraction to tourists increasingly weak, and thus the pursuit of tourism scenic area management in Hangzhou is no longer the tourism growth, more important is to explore tourism on the significance of enhancing the quality of life for people, "a new era of global tourism" embrace "mass tourism"。 Based on a large number of domestic and foreign literature, using field survey methods to collect data, not only analyzes the necessity of the study on experience quality of tourists in West Lake, and in view of the existing problems in West Lake tourist experience, put forward specific opinions on how to improve the quality of West Lake tourism, the innovation of this paper is to propose a set of reasonable and feasible the West Lake tourism products and service feedback mechanism, this mechanism takes into account not only the big data Internet era background, and combined with the quality evaluation model of Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve the tourism experience based on tourism projects and for government policy evaluation and feedback。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Key words: The analysis of the current situation of tourism development in West Lake; the quality of tourism experience; the management strategies of scenic spots; the feedback mechanism of West Lake tourism products and services

目 录

一  前言3

(一) 选题背景和意义3

(二) 相关研究综述4

(三) 创新点和研究方法6

二  西湖游客体验质量主要影响因子分析8

(一) 旅游动机 8

(二) 旅游期望 8

三  西湖游客旅游体验反映的主要问题10

(一) 景区交通拥挤 10

(二) 旅游产品缺乏文化内涵 10

(三) 反馈机制不健全 11

四  西湖旅游产品开发和服务品质提升的对策12

(一) 杭州西湖游客体验质量调研及启示:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_191851.html
