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时间:2023-11-26 15:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract : At present, along with our country social and economy development level of ascension, also drove the education level of high speed rise。 But due to the cause of the policy and the system,unreasonable financial investment and resource allocation, backward ideas and so on factors, the development of basic education in our country has a huge difference between urban and rural areas,education fair between urban and rural areas is difficult to reflect。 In order to change the unscientific development mode of today, for more fair education, basic education between urban and rural areas can develop evenly;this article puts forward the suggestions for solving the imbalance of basic education development between the urban and rural areas;that is the reasonable development policy, supporting the compensation of rural basic education, the rational allocation of teachers, changing the traditional ideas。

Keywords:basic education,balanced development,education fair

1 4

2 城乡基础教育发展不均衡的体现 4

2。1 办学硬件条件的优劣差异 5

2。2 师资力量的差距 5

2。3 差别迥异的教学方法 5

2。4 城乡家长学历构成的差异 6

3 城乡基础教育发展不均衡的原因 6

3。1 政策原因 6

3。2 制度原因 6

3。3 财政投入、资源配置不合理 6

3。4 思想观念保守 7

4 城乡基础教育均衡发展的建议 7

4。1 制定合理的发展政策 7

4。2 扶持补偿农村基础教育 8

4。3 合理配置教师队伍 8

4。4 改变传统思想观念 8


参考文献 11


1 城乡基础教育发展不均衡的原因及建议:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_199020.html
