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时间:2023-12-02 10:16来源:毕业论文



Abstract: At this stage, China's real estate marketing planning is still in its infancy, after investigation, many developers of the three or four line of the city's real estate marketing planning is not enough attention, and now the real estate market is inseparable from marketing planning。 Danyang Huadu Jincheng project is located in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, belongs to the four line of the city in the country, how to correctly understand the marketing effect, meaning how to formulate a reasonable and effective project marketing planning is an urgent need to solve the small problems of real estate development enterprises。 This paper uses the knowledge of professional practice and the combination of theory, through analysis, analysis and comparison of competitors around to project their own SWOT, and then the reasonable positioning of the target customers of the program, the final plan a marketing plan for the project。

Key words: Danyang Huadu Jincheng project,marketing planning,real estate development

目   录

1  设计选题说明 4

1。1  选择这类设计的缘由 4

1。2  数据资料的获得来源 4

1。3  容易程度 4

1。4  设计实现的可能性 4

2  设计依据(主要内容) 4

2。1  说明设计所依据的具体来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 理论方法 4

2。2  参考文献采用的主要内容和对本文的贡献 4

3  设计的技术路线(主要内容) 5

3。1  设计实现的主要方法 5

3。2  房地产相关数据的来源 5

4  设计的价值(作用)和意义 5

4。1  本设计对学习本专业的价值或作用 5

4。2  对参加社会工作和今后的意义 5

结    论。。。7


致    谢。。。9

1  设计选题说明

1。1  选择这类设计的缘由论文网


1。2  数据资料的获得来源

主要来源于自己的市场调查,相关书籍知识面上的运用以及部分网络信息的获取,另外一些问题还咨询了售楼处的相关工作人员、小区内居民、相关物业人员以及售楼处所派发的相关宣传单。 丹阳华都锦城项目营销策略swot分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_199202.html
