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时间:2024-05-03 09:36来源:95271
(1) Using the analytical model to formulate the mathematical relations of adopting the Internet of Things for FAPs with the wholesale price, retail price, order quantity and average cost and income of

(1) Using the analytical model to formulate the mathematical relations of adopting the Internet of Things for FAPs with the wholesale price, retail price, order quantity and average cost and income of the wholesalers, retailers and of the whole cold chain logistics. The adoption of the Internet of Things was proved to be effective through a case study.

(2) Using numerical analysis method to analyze the ratio of the wholesalers or retailers sharing the cost of adopting the Internet of Things, the wholesale price, retail price, order quantity, and revenue and total profit of the supply chain. Finally, the optimal ratio was obtained to maximize the total revenue of the whole cold chain logistics.

This study not only provide the scientific basis for logistics decision-making, but also for the fresh agricultural enterprises to provide a theoretical basis for enterprises to invest in the Internet of Things, which has important application value in improving the efficiency of cold chain logistics of FAPs.

Keywords: Fresh agricultural products; cost-benefit of cold chain logistics; the Internet of Things; numerical analysis method.


0引言 1

1绪论 2

1.1研究背景及意义 2

1.1.1研究背景 2

1.1.2研究意义 3

1.2研究目标及内容 3

1.2.1研究目标 3

1.2.2研究内容 3

1.3论文结构 4

2相关基础理论 4

2.1冷链物流 4

2.2生鲜农产品冷链物流 4

2.3优化方法与数值分析 5

2.3.1优化方法 5

2.3.2数值分析 6

2.4国内外生鲜农产品冷链物流文献综述 6

2.4.1国外研究现状 6

2.4.2国内研究现状 6

3生鲜农产品(FAPs)冷链物流决策优化 7

3.1FAPs冷链物流优化问题描述 8

3.2符号表达 8

3.3建立模型 11

4算例与结果分析 13

4.1算例设置 14

4.2计算实验与结果结论 15

4.2.1物联网采纳成本Ciot(t)对FAPs物流决策的影响 15

4.2.2r对FAPs物流决策的影响 17

4.3总结 20



参考文献 23




随着经济的飞速发展,人们对物流行业提供的服务及产品的质量要求也越来越高。其中,被称为国际物流行业领域的“珠峰”—冷链物流,更是备受瞩目。生活中,不论是蔬菜、水果、肉制品、乳制品、水产品,还是速冻食品等,其运输和仓储都离不开冷链物流,同时2017年中央一号文件《关于深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革加快培育农业农村发展新动能的若干意见》中,加强农产品冷链物流建设再次列为我国农业发展的重点。但冷链物流信息化程度低严重限制了生鲜农产品(FreshAgriculturalProducts,简称FAPs)冷链物流的发展。由于采纳物联网技术可以优化生鲜农产品位置跟踪以及运输、仓储、流通加工等环节的信息化作业,加强冷链各环节的沟通,从而减少信息不对称的现象,提高冷链效率,所以将物联网技术引入生鲜农产品冷链物流具有重要的意义。但生鲜农产品冷链物流采纳物联网技术会后必然增加各级流通主体的运营成本。因此,需要对生鲜农产品冷链物流中采纳物联网技术的成本与收益进行全面的比较分析。 成本收益视角下生鲜农产品冷链物流决策优化(2):http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203641.html
