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时间:2024-05-10 22:47来源:95351




Research on the Improvement of Public Bathroom Facilities Layout in a University Based on Queuing Theory

Abstract:In China, many of the key colleges and universities, most of the students dormitory environment is not elegant enough, not convenient. For example, college dormitories will not have independent bathroom, and even some colleges and universities without independent bathroom. This led to a common phenomenon in the domestic colleges and universities, the major colleges and universities are generally equipped with a public bathroom, in order to facilitate students bathing.

In this context, there have been many problems. In general, the school bathroom time is fixed, most students take a bath time and relatively concentrated. These circumstances led to the queue before the bathroom team congestion, into the bathhouse, the crowd is often piles, resulting in unusually crowded situation, but also often lead to a lot of people into the locker room, but the bath is not enough to use the phenomenon.The poor school queuing system has led to the inability of students to enjoy the public facilities and cause the bathroom to be crowded. This article will be based on the queuing theory to improve the use of public bathroom satisfaction as the goal, effectively improve the layout of public facilities in colleges and universities.

Keywords: public bath; Poisson process; queuing theory; system optimization


1绪论 6

1.1课题研究的背景 6

1.2课题研究的意义 6

1.2.1课题研究的目的 6

1.2.2课题研究的必要性 7

1.2.4课题研究的意义 7

1.3国内外研究现状综述 8

1.4技术路线 10

图1技术路线图 10

2公共设施排队系统的理论基础 10

2.1排队论的理论基础 10

2.2排队论的优化模型 14

3案例分析(以某高校公共浴室设施为例) 15

3.1某高校公共浴室设施介绍 15

3.2公共浴室设施应用的排队模型 17

3.3如何获取相关数据 17

3.3.1学生的平均到达率 19

3.3.2某高校的公共浴室教职工的平均服务率 19

3.4对于高校公共浴室上学生排队问题分析 20

4对公共浴室服务进行改善 基于排队论的某高校公共浴室设施布局改善研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203767.html
