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时间:2024-05-10 22:50来源:95352




Optimization Analysis of Production Line of 811 Sterilizer for M Company

Abstract:The low balance rate of the production line has been constrained by the improvement of product capacity. This paper combined with the basic situation of the production line, the use of stopwatch time to carry out on-site measurement of each station, and then use the "5W1H question" and "ECRS four principles" And then use the matrix search method and the location weighting method to balance the pipeline, the production line pision of all the operating elements in accordance with the product of the product line, according to the production line of the process, Of the assembly sequence, re-pision of the work of the various units of the elements, the improvement of the operating elements through the re-pision of the station, making the balance of the production line from 55.4% to 85.8%, a great balance of 811 sterilization The assembly line of the cabinet is reduced from 14 to 10 stations before the improvement, while the entire assembly line is equipped with less than 14 people from 10 to 10, reducing the number of inpidual operations Time is more balanced, improve the efficiency of the workers.

Key words: production line balance; production line optimization; position weighting method; pision of job elements; matrix search method; 5W1H question; ECRS four principle


0引言 1

1相关理论和方法 3

1.1国内外理论综述 3

1.2工业工程相关理论 4

1.2.1程序分析的四大原则 4

1.2.25W1H提问法 4

1.3生产线平衡的相关理论 4

1.3.1生产线平衡的定义 4

1.3.2生产线平衡的目的 4

1.4生产线平衡的方法 5

1.4.1矩阵搜索法 5

1.4.2位置加权法 5

1.5公式计算 6

2企业现状和问题分析 7

2.1企业简介 7

2.2装配线布局 7

2.3人员配置 8

2.4生产线的工艺流程 9

2.5确定工时定额 10

3生产线平衡改善 13

3.1瓶颈工位改善 M公司811型消毒柜生产线优化分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203769.html
