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时间:2024-05-30 22:57来源:95516



The analysis towards the sort of tourism APP users’ continuance intention influencing factors

Abstract:With the development of Internet technology and the popularity of Smart phones, tourism APP had become an important tool for people to achieve intelligent tourism. Tourism APP users’ continuance intention is the key to promote the  intelligent tourism. Based on the technical acceptance model (TAM) and expectation confirmation theory (ECT), this paper constructs the model of influencing factors to continuance intention of tourism users by using structural equation model (SEM).Through the empirical research of 304 samples, The degree of expectation confirmation has significantly positive impact on perceived usefulness and perceived recreation, perceived usefulness and perceived recreation significantly affect the continuance intention, Social influence plays a regulatory role in perceived usefulness, perceived risk and continuance intention. Finally, according to the conclusion to provide for the tourism APP operators some suggestions such strengthen the landing cooperation, expand social functions, build model customers and so on.

Key words: tourism APP; continuance intention; Expectation confirmation theory; social influence

0引言 1

1相关理论基础 2

1.1技术接受模型 2

1.2期望确认理论 2

2研究假设与理论模型 3

2.1期望确认程度及相关假设 3

2.2感知易用性及相关假设 4

2.3感知有用性及相关假设 4

2.4感知风险性及相关假设 4

2.5感知娱乐性及相关假设 5

2.6社会影响及相关假设 6

3问卷设计与数据收集 7

3.1问卷设计 7

3.2数据收集 9

4数据分析与讨论 9

4.1描述性统计分析 9

4.2信度效度分析 11

4.3模型拟合度检验 13

4.4假设路径检验 15

4.5调节作用检验 16

4.6结果讨论 17

5启示与建议 18

结论与展望 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

附录 旅游类APP用户持续使用意愿影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204092.html
