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时间:2024-06-04 21:48来源:95525



A Study of the Influence of the Halo-effect in Supermarket Satisfaction Evaluation

Abstract:Modern enterprises by investigating the customer's expectations of the product, the value of awareness, brand awareness and experience in the use of comprehensive survey results, evaluate the final satisfaction of the product from multiple perspectives. Product satisfaction has become a key factor for enterprises to understand the market and plan the products strategy of the enterprise. It can reflect the expectations of customers to buy, the satisfaction of products and services, the identity of the enterprise and whether there is a tendency to buy again. Although this survey seems to be perfect, they can get accurate results, but the actual product satisfaction evaluation results are usually not the most accurate. In fact, due to the satisfaction of the halo effect in the evaluation, it will indirectly affect the evaluation results. This paper studies the halo effect in product satisfaction evaluation, reveals the principle and influencing factors of halo effect, and reduces the deviation of product satisfaction evaluation.

Key words: Satisfaction evaluation; Halo effect; Cognitive bias; Purchase decision


0引言 1

1晕轮效应相关理论 2

1.1晕轮效应的发展及定义 2

1.2晕轮效应的产生原因及研究方法 3

2满意度测评中产生晕轮效应的三种原因模型 6

2.1非充分区 6

2.2显著维度型 7

2.3总体印象型 8

3超市顾客满意度中的晕轮效应分析 9

3.1大润发超市顾客满意度模型指标的选取 9

3.2问卷发放及研究样本 11

3.3测量题目的信度 11

3.4实证晕轮效应 12

3.4.1根据晕轮效应的定义证实 12

3.4.2总体印象型晕轮效应证实 13

3.5发现:人群差异在满意度中晕轮效应的体现尤为明显 14

3.5.1利用非充分区原因模型证实 14

3.6本次研究的启示 15

4总结 16

4.1主要结论 16

4.2研究的局限性 17

4.3创新点:从人群差异的角度证实晕轮效应 17

4.4建设性意见及展望 17

致谢 超市顾客满意度测评中晕轮效应的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204103.html
