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时间:2024-06-04 21:51来源:95526



Analysis on operation of ZhenJiang Wanda movie theater

Abstract:In recent years, with the development of Chinese film industry and national cultural strategy, Chinese film industry has developed a lot. At the same time, the movie theaters grow very fast, and the audience's enthusiasm is rising, the income of the cinema rises year by year.The object this paper research is ZhenJiang Wanda movie cinema. By researching the operating strategy,operation mode,status of operation and understand the operation of Wanda movie theater chain.Then analyze the operation problem by literature research,field research,comparative studying.At last putting forward solutions combined with relevant knowledge and looking forward to be benefit to other theaters’ operation.

Key words: Wanda movie theater; operation management; problems; service quality

0引言 1

1万达影城经营概述 2

1.1经营策略 2

1.1.1消费者定位 2

1.1.2差异化经营 2

1.2运营模式 3

1.2.1城市综合体经营模式 3

1.2.2全产业链经营模式 3

1.2.3产业融合经营模式 4

1.3运营现状 4

2镇江万达影城运营中存在的问题 4

2.1影院设施存在不足 4

2.1.1视听条件有所欠缺 4

2.1.2影院内部有异味 5

2.2影院工作人员服务态度不佳 5

2.2.1工作态度不端正 6

2.2.2服务敷衍了事 6

2.3运营团队管理不到位 7

2.3.1沟通不及时 7

2.3.2纪律性不强 7

3镇江万达影城运营问题产生的原因 8

3.1领导层不够重视服务质量 8

3.2影院工作人员缺乏职业素养 8

3.3团队建设不足 9

3.3.1团队规模不稳定 9

3.3.2目标不一致 9

3.3.3团队精神铸造不足 9

4解决镇江万达影城运营中问题的对策 10

4.1加强领导层对影院服务质量的重视 10

4.1.1完善客诉处理方案 10

4.1.2加大对人才的引进 镇江万达影城运营探讨:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204105.html
