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时间:2024-07-10 22:26来源:95782



Analysis of ethical issues in marketing Innovation: Taking Taobao as an example

Abstract:With the appearance of Taobao, It bring a lot of convenience, but also to explore a lot of interest growth. Its marketing innovation in our country was a great success, personalized marketing innovation is particularly prominent, successfully attracted a large number of consumer concern. But at the same time there have been many ethical issues. Such as infringement of the privacy of consumers, consumer safety,the  right to choose, But also a lot of dishonesty problems. This article will analysis the reasons for the emergence from Taobao marketing innovation content and form. Finally, I will give some advices from the legal construction, Taobao integrity system construction, consumer awareness of consumer safety, market regulation put forward.

Keywords: Taobao; Marketing Innovation; Ethics


0引言 1

1相关概念及理论基础 1

1.1营销创新的概念 1

1.2伦理问题的概念 1

1.3商业伦理中的权利论的相关叙述 2

2营销创新的内容 2

2.1淘宝网推荐系统 2

2.2提供二十多个相关应用模块 3

2.3第三方交易担保制度实名制绑定 3

2.4淘宝网创立“双十一”购物节 4

2.5淘宝网竞价广告排名 4

3营销创新中的伦理问题 5

3.1侵犯消费者的权利 5

3.1.1侵犯消费者的隐私权 5

3.1.2侵犯消费者安全消费权利和选择权 6

3.2引起商家之间恶性竞争 7

3.3存在诚信缺乏现象 8

4营销创新中伦理问题出现的原因分析 9

4.1淘宝网平台对消费者的信息安全保护体系尚未成熟 9

4.2某些商家诚信意识较薄弱 9

4.3消费者辨别真假能力不强维权意识薄弱 10

4.4法律不完善,有关部门监管不到位 11

4.5营销创新中出现伦理问题的原因图示 11

5解决营销创新中伦理问题的对策 12

5.1完善网络营销创新中的法律建设 12

5.2淘宝网加强技术建设完善评价机制 12

5.3消费者提高网络购物自我保护意识 13

5.4加强对网络营销创新的监督和控制 营销创新中的伦理问题分析以淘宝网为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204253.html
