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时间:2024-07-20 09:44来源:95918





Process Optimization of Project Sourcing Management in BC

Abstract:Purchasing management is an important part of project management, in the construction of the project, the procurement status is self-evident. As the material basis for the construction of the project, procurement expenditure accounted for half of the total expenditure of the entire project, the project's overall profitability plays a decisive role. Purchasing power has become a contemporary enterprise in the market competition in the core competitiveness of the environment.

The procurement process is an important part of the business process. As the starting point of the business activities, the procurement covers the whole process of logistics, capital flow, information flow and business flow from the supplier to the demand, which directly affects the enterprise's cost and profit The Through the high-mountain enterprise procurement management business processes, enterprises can reduce the loss in the procurement process, waste, reduce the cost of enterprises, improve the efficiency of procurement enterprises, and promote the overall management of the continuous improvement of the enterprise.

This paper is based on my own work practice, with BRP process reengineering as the guiding ideology, supplemented by ASME method to BC engineering company procurement process diagnosis. According to the diagnosis result, the procurement process of the BC project is optimized and reconstructed by the technical means of the Internet and the OA office, and the procurement process selection of different purchase items is optimized. Finally, the ASME is used for the verification and verification.

Keywords: BC engineering company; procurement management;business process reengineering

0引言 1

1BC工程公司的采购管理模式现状 1

1.1BC工程公司简介 1

1.2BC工程公司的采购管理模式简介 2

1.2.1BC工程公司现有采购工作分配和岗位职责 2

1.2.2BC工程公司采购品项供应定位模型 3

1.2.3BC工程公司现有的的采购流程 4

1.3现有采购流程中表现出的问题 7

1.3.1审批流程冗长 7

1.3.2比价过程效率低下 BC工程采购管理流程优化:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204321.html
