Research on Effective Control of Human Resource Cost in Enterprises
Abstract: The reasonable and effective control of costs will help improve the company's operating profit. The cost of human resources is an important part of it, and it is closely related to the production of other costs. Effectively controlling the cost of human resources is an issue that must be addressed under current social trends. This paper mainly introduces the meaning, composition and measurement methods of human resource costs, analyzes the current status of social human resource cost control, and proposes reasonable and effective control measures.
Through the actual investigation of the human resource cost data of a company in Shanghai as well as the hypothesis analysis method to verify whether the proposed measures are reasonable and effective, and we ultimately get accurate information on the company’s human resources cost control measures, analyze the direction in the future of social trends.
Keywords: human resources, human resources costs, effective control
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)定义 1
1、人力资源 1
2、人力资源成本 1
3、人力资源成本控制 5
(二)研究现状 5
1、我国企业人力资源成本控制研究现状 5
2、国外企业人力资源成本控制研究现状 6
(三)研究目的和意义 6
二、企业人力资源成本控制计量 7
(一)人力资源成本的计量方式 7
1、历史成本法 7
2、重置成本法 7
3、机会成本法 7
(二)人力资源成本控制指标 8
1、人力资源成本率指标 8
2、人力资源工资率指标 8
3、人力资源效率指标 9
三、企业人力资源成本控制方法分析 10
(一)人力资源成本控制存在的问题 10
1、使用人力资源成本过高 10
2、企业人力资源离职成本过高 10
3、缺乏合理有效的考核机制 11
(二)人力资源成本控制体系分析 11
1、人才的吸收和培养 11
2、企业与员工的内部控制 企业人力资源成本有效控制研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_205185.html