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时间:2024-07-20 09:48来源:95920



Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Logistics Management in SF-Express

Abstract:In this paper, China's express logistics as the research object, a detailed introduction to China's private express delivery enterprises - SF Express. Combined with the author's work experience, coupled with the use of literature analysis, a brief introduction to the development of China's express delivery industry and SF Express's profile, the SF Express logistics management in the problems were described, and made in the express industry increasingly competitive In the fierce environment, SF needs to solve customer satisfaction, price disadvantage, retention processing, irrational distribution of outlets, fresh cold chain technology and other issues. And then for these problems, and finally put forward some solutions to SF Express logistics management issues. And how to do bigger and stronger This is also SF Express next development goals is a long-term exploration and goals.

Keywords:SF-Express; Logistics management; express delivery

0引言 1

1顺丰速运简介 1

1.1业务范围 1

1.1.1快递业务 1

1.1.2仓储配送业务 1

1.1.3冷运业务 2

1.1.4重货运输业务 2

1.2品牌文化 2

2顺丰速运发展现状 3

2.1快递物流现状 3

2.2各快递物流之间的市场格局 3

2.3顺丰速运相比较其他快递物流企业的优势 6

3顺丰速运物流管理中存在的问题 7

3.1实习期总结的问题 7

3.1.1滞留件问题 7

3.1.2客户投述问题 8

3.1.3派件员派送范围不合理 8

3.1.4装卸搬运存在问题 8

3.1.5学校里面各大物流公司之间的对比 9

3.2调查研究发现的问题 9

3.2.1快递运费价格贵 9

3.2.2从业人员的素质普遍较低 9

3.2.3网络具有其局限性 9

3.2.4链自动化程度不高 10

3.2.5缺乏先进的食品冷链技术 10

4顺丰速运物流管理中的对策研究 10

4.1提升滞留件处理效率 10

4.2提高服务质量 顺丰速运有限公司物流管理中存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204323.html
