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时间:2022-01-24 22:11来源:毕业论文



Abstract Indepth analysis of regional energy efficiency with the effect of the spatial differentiation and energy saving potential in mining areas, and improve the efficiency of energy utilization has important significance。 This paper USES DEA method, and through the 20002012 huai hai city eight major urban energy efficiency measure, reveals the characteristics and classification of spatial differentiation of energy efficiency of regional types, and by studying the various cities for energy consumption per unit GDP and industrial structure characteristics, analysis the cause of the spatial differentiation of energy efficiency, further puts forward the future huaihai energy efficiency agglomeration in the focus of policy direction。 This article are based on data from China city statistical yearbook and China energy statistical yearbook。 The results showed that (1) energy efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of all showed a trend of fluctuations in growth; (2) the energy efficiency of low spatial pattern appears as meteorological north, east west high low to the ushaped pattern to dumbbell pattern evolution trend; The pure technical efficiency of spatial pattern appears as basic coverage to central China to the trend of the back cover; The efficiency of the energy scale space similar changing trend and the trend of the evolution of the comprehensive efficiency; (3) based on 20002012 huai hai three kinds of energy efficiency situation of cities, urban agglomerations huaihai urban agglomeration can be pided into three high, high lowhigh, lowlowhigh and three low 4 greater energy efficiency; (4) based on 20002012 huai hai urban agglomeration from city to city savings potential situation of three inputs, then for different types of area in the future to improve energy efficiency policy Suggestions are put forward。 

Key Words:  energy efficiency , DEA model , Spatial differentiation 

目  录



1 绪论1

2 研究区概况2

3 研究方法3

4 淮海城市群能源效率空间分异特征5

5 结论12



1 绪论

改革开放30多年来,我国经济发展虽然取得了长足进步,但是长期以来高能耗的粗放型经济增长方式也导致了严重的能源和环境问题[1]。提高能源利用效率旨在放大单位能源消耗量对促进经济社会发展的贡献量,即在传统经济增长效率基础上纳入低能耗要求,这是实现经济发展方式由高能耗高污染向低能耗低污染转变的关键,也是决定区域经济可持续发展能力的关键。论文网 DEA淮海城市群能源效率的空间分异特征分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_88917.html
