关键词 基层公务员 激励机制 梅河口市
Title Research on the Incentive System of Civil Servants in China—Take the Example of Meihekou City
With the perfection of market economy in china and the inhabitant living standard enhances unceasingly, residents also put forward new requirements on the level and quality of public service. As the national direct supplier of public product and public service, the work performance of civil servants affects efficiency of the basic-level of organization and the implement of policies and regulation. Due to the different quality of civil servant and relevant motivation system design problem , the incentive system of civil servant is generally unable to play the full role. This article is based on the situation of insufficient effect of incentive system of civil service, and will focus on the civil servant of Meihekou city as the research object. Combined with empirical and theoretical research method, this article will give better understanding of current condition of meikekou’s civil servant incentive system. Through the analysis of data , the paper also put forward of some suggestion to further improvement of incentive system of civil servants.
Keywords grass-root civil servant incentive system Meihekou city
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 文献综述1
1.3 研究思路及方法4
1.4 创新与不足4
2 基层公务员激励机制相关概念及理论5
2.1 相关概念 5
2.1.1 公务员相关概念5
2.1.2 激励相关概念5
2.2 相关理论 6
3 梅河口市基层公务员激励机制现状分析7
3.1 基本概况 7
3.1.1 梅河口市基层公务员概况 7
3.1.2 基层公务员现有激励机制概况 8
3.2 调查研究与设计10
3.2.1 问卷设计10
3.2.2 样本选择10
3.2.3 调查结果分析11
4 梅河口市基层公务员激励存在的问题及原因分析15
4.1 激励制度主要问题15
4.1.1 薪资福利激励强度较弱 15
4.1.2 核方式指标模糊 15
4.1.3 晋升通道不畅通 15
4.1.4 培训内容欠缺 16
4.2 主要原因 16
4.2.1 “以人为本”观念较弱 16
4.2.2 政治经济体制不完善16
4.2.3 相关法律法规不完善16
4.2.4 公务员“公仆意识”欠缺 17
5 完善梅河口市基层公务员激励机制的相关对策18
5.1 坚持以人为本,进一步加强人力资源管理观念 18
5.2 敢于创新激励机制,提升激励效果 18
5.2.1 结合定性与定量的方式,细化考核指标 18
5.2.2 创新激励项目,完善激励制度18
5.2.3 福利项目多样化,以达到激励效果19
5.3 引入竞争机制,优化公务员激励机制19 我国基层公务员激励机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_23675.html