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时间:2018-11-14 21:25来源:毕业论文

关键词  绩效评估 绩效评估公正感 受评者特征 
Title  The relationship between characteristic of ratee and justice perceptions in performance appraisals   
Performance appraisal as one of the core functions of human resources management, has received extensive attention of scholars and entrepreneurs. For the employees, performance appraisal is an important function to encourage and guide employees to make improvement of preliminary works. For members of the organization, performance appraisal can help the organization make reasonable personnel decisions, such as make offers, promotion, training and career development planning in the future etc. If performance appraisals are perceived as injustice, they can diminish rather than enhance employee attitude and behavior. Specifically, perceptions of procedural unfairness can adversely affect employees’ organizational commitment, job satisfaction, trust in management, and performance, as well as their work-related stress,organizational citizenship behavior ,theft ,and inclination to litigate.Therefore, the research on the justice perception of employees to performance appraisals is particularly important.
Keywords  performance appraisals,justice perceptions in performance appraisals,
Characteristic of ratee
目   次
1. 绪论    1
1.1. 研究背景    1
1.2. 问题的提出    1
1.3. 研究框架    3
2. 文献综述与理论基础    4
2.1. 绩效评估研究综述    4
2.2. 绩效评估公正感研究综述    7
3. 研究设计    11
3.1. 变量测量和量表选取    11
3.2. 问卷调查方法与收集情况    12
4. 实证研究    14
4.1. 样本的描述性统计分析    14
4.2. 问卷信度分析    15
4.3. 单因子方差分析    16
5. 研究结论与展望    27
5.1. 研究结论    27
5.2. 研究不足与未来展望    28
致  谢    29
参 考 文 献    30
附录A 调查问卷    31
1.     绪论
1.1.    研究背景
企业或组织常会运用人力资源管理活动来激励组织内员工,以此达到或超越组织期望的工作目标。其中,绩效评估是各类组织人力资源部门最为重要的职能之一,可从以下两方面看出:(1)绩效评估是组织控制的重要工具,员工可以利用相关评估结果了解自身过去的工作表现是否达到标准,这为员工提供了真实的依据,让其能够更清楚了解自己的工作表现,更有利于后期工作的改善。(2)对组织成员而言,绩效评估能够帮助组织作出有效的人事决策,比如:薪酬分配、晋升机会、培训机会和个人职业生涯发展等等。 受评者特征与绩效评估公正感之间的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25829.html