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时间:2019-02-19 20:24来源:毕业论文

毕业论文外 文 摘 要
Abstract With the development of modern social organization system and complex uncertain external enhancement, inpidual organizations in society gradually turn to the team as the basic form of the activities. It can realize a single person can not complete the objectives of the organization through the collaboration between team members, and also reduce the risk of a single person to complete the task through the organization members. Dominate the target and team goal every, realize of team performance at the same time, improve the single value of the inpidual, these are the mechanism of target. Team building activities performance depends largely on the team and organizational effectiveness, how leaders through the reasonable organization construction, reduce the adverse factors on the impact of team trust, promote team members trust, the team to achieve the efficient operation of the organization, to achieve team goals, are the important role of leader requirements.
This study from the contemporary scholars for the study on the trust concept, analysis  basic concept connotation  team trust, characteristics of the team trust, and constitute the basis of mode and the importance of team trust analysis, through the questionnaire survey way, selection of research samples, investigated various problems of study sample. Collect all questionnaires effectively and the data, construct a mathematical evaluation model, through the discrete manner of data processing. Analyze effective factor of one, which will be the main factors affecting the team trust analysis, analysis each index in the team trust for the team to realize the goal of the utility. According to the main influencing factors of team trust, make the main path corresponding leaders to build team trust, achieve the goal.
Keywords: leaders; team trust
 目  录
1 引言    1
1.1 选题背景    1
1.2 文献综述    1
1.3 研究目的及意义    5
1.4 研究方法    5
1.5 研究框架    6
2 团队信任构成    7
2.1 信任及信任构成    7
2.1.1 信任的界定    7
2.1.2 信任的构成    8
2.2 团队信任及其重要性    9
2.2.1 团队信任内涵    9
2.2.2 团队信任重要性    10 管理者如何创建团队信任:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30397.html