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时间:2019-02-19 21:00来源:毕业论文

关键词  调节定向 决策行为 促进定向 预防定向
Title    Regulators on research directed to the user's decision-making behavior               
Previous studies on the user's decision-making process in general from the user's perception and personality aspects to study, that user's decision-making process is simply the provision of benefits or harm, and rarely from the user's motivation to analyze the user's decision. This paper is motivated from the start, with a new perspective in the field of motivation - theory to study the user adjust the orientation of the decision-making process, this study after analyzing the factors that affect the user's decision-making behavior, using the questionnaire method, using college students as subjects, explore Regulators on research oriented decision-making behavior of the user, the user adjust the orientation and influence decision-making behavior of factors together organically, so as to explore regulating the orientation of the user decisions.
In the questionnaire, the analysis focused on three main factors that influence user decisions: environmental factors (outside influences), risk factors (affecting the value at the time of purchase), personality factors (in itself positive or negative). Using spss analysis, concluded adjust orientation (orientation and to promote prevention orientation) on the user's decision-making behavior.
Finally, overview of the main points of the study, while the lack of this research to give analysis and future prospects of the research paper.
Keywords  Directional regulation  Decision making behavior Promote orientation  Prevention orientation
 目   次
1 引言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2研究方法    2
1.3研究结果    2
2    文献综述    3
2.1 调节定向理论的概述    3
2.1.1 调节定向理论的提出    3
2.1.2 调节定向的内涵    3
2.2 决策行为的概述    4
2.2.2 影响用户决策行为的因素    4
2.3 国内外研究现状    4
3 问题提出    7
3.1 以往研究的不足    7
3.2 研究假设    8
3.3 研究方法    8
4问卷分析    10
4.1 信度分析    10
4.2 个体调节定向调节性匹配环境因素对用户决策行为的影响    10
4.2 个体调节定向调节性匹配风险因素对用户决策行为的影响    12
5 结论    14 调节定向对用户决策行为的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30414.html