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时间:2019-04-27 10:32来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:贵州地域文化  少数民族  “三民”文化  文化产业发展模式
A Study on the Regional Culture in Guizhou in the Perspective of the Cultural Industry
Abstract :Located on the eastern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, with an average elevation of 1100 meters, 92.5% of the total areas of GuiZhou are covered by hills and mountains. The traffic there is not convenient, for a great amount of mountains and few lands as well as its dangerous terrains. Gui Zhou has a long history with different folks customs of nationalities. There are 48 nationalities living in Gui Zhou province, including 17 minorities, which accounts for 37%populations of Gui Zhou. Culture resources, focused on "Three people" culture and Red culture etc. ,is emerged from the old-aged history and unique natural conditions. Gui Zhou culture is characteristic of persity and oneness, marginality and subjectivity, as well as its closed property and open nature. All these provide Gui Zhou with a unique advantage for its cultural development. But currently, there still exist many problems, such as its small scale, weak foundations, industrial unconsciousness , ambiguous development ideas. With regard to the transformation and upgrading of Gui Zhou culture industry , this paper proposed some reflection and suggestions of  the mode of the culture development and the external environment which is suitable to characteristics of Gui Zhou.
Key words: Regional Culture in Guizhou Minority; “Three People” culture Developmental mode of the culture industry
一、贵州概况 1-4(一)历史概况与沿革1-3
(三)人口与民族 1-3
(三)文化的封闭性和开放性 5-6                                    
三、经济社会发展中的贵州文化产业6-8(一)文化产业的由来6-7(二)经济发展背景下的文化产业7-8(三)贵州文化产业的现状7-8四、地域文化资源与贵州文化产业转型升级8-11 基于文化产业视角的贵州地域文化研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_32626.html