毕业论文关键词: 南方航空;航空物流;经营策略
Business strategy and outlook of China Southern Airlines air logistics industry analysis
Abstract: With the increasing integration of our economy with the world economy, China's air transport industry at a time of rapid development is also facing huge uncertainties associated with such competitive air transport market, more and more intense. Faced with such a complex and uncertain environment, in order to make a more stable Southern good development, so to grasp the characteristics and changes of the air cargo market, which re-evaluate and adjust marketing strategy of China Southern Airlines. In this paper, through in-depth understanding and analysis of China Southern Airlines market environment, with its own resources and capacity situation, China Southern Airlines, the use of a number of relevant comparative data on the demand for China Southern analysis. China Southern Airlines to respond correctly to the domestic market competition, to find practical strategies for development in the competition, we offer some useful lessons. During the study, the use of 4P, SWOT, analysis tool industry analysis model, through field investigation Southern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and internal stakeholders, experts, instructors and other communication to discuss the formation of research results.
Keywords: China Southern Airlines; Air Logistics; Business strategy
一、研究目的、内容和意义 1
(一)研究目的和意义 1
(二)研究内容 1
二、国内外航空物流行业的发展现状 1
(一)国内外航空物流行业的发展现状 1
(二)航空物流的运作特点 3
三、南方航空之航空物流的经营策略分析 6
(一)南方航空物流业务的发展成就 6
(二)南航发展货运业务的环境分析 6
(三)南方航空物流业务的竞争策略 7
四、南方航空物流也的发展前景分析 9
(一)航空物流业的发展前景 9
(二)南方航空物流的优势与劣势 11
(三)南方航空物流业务面临的的挑战 12
五、结论和建议 13
伴随着科技水平的提高,全球经济一体化,世界经济贸易在两者的影响之下也在不断的发展着,航空货运虽然起步较晚,但是作为一种高效率的现代化运输方式,发展却异常的迅速,特别是受到客户和现在企业管理者的青睐。作为中国三大航空公司之一的南航,想要做强,做优,做大南航航空货运运输的发展作为一个新的经济增长点,就必须要合理的制定出符合南航航空物流货运业务发展的重要的战略措施,才能为今后的发展奠定基础。 南方航空航空物流业经营策略与前景分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_33174.html