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时间:2019-06-02 22:36来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:白酒  渠道  营销策划
Successful banquet day series of wine marketing plan in Xuzhou area
Abstract: The liquor industry in the "ten years" to let the wine enterprises develop quickly, behind thepopular high-end wine is based on the "three public consumption" on the basis of abnormal consumption. However, in the economic slowdown, the national limit three consumption,prohibition and other factors, the high-end liquor market freeze, prices fell sharply, products unsalable. In 2014, the entire liquor industry was forced to reshuffle. First tier wine prices of high-end products prices fell, the channel sink, to bring pressure on product sales andsurvival, three line second tier wine enterprises. The entire liquor industry competitionintensified, the high-end liquor market from a seller's market to a buyer's market. The introduction of custom wine, low price of wine, strengthening the marketing constructionbecome wine prices this year doing the most. However, the adjustment of the liquor industry is most likely a history of the biggest adjustment, or will continue for 3 years -5 years. The survival of the fittest, mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore the rules of the game are staged in the liquor industry. In order to adapt to the development of liquor market, the success of Jiangsu feast Wine Development Co. Ltd. and timing, the end of the wine series. In order toopen the market in Xuzhou, the marketing plan.
Key Words:Spirit   Channel   Marketing Planning
目 录
一、前言    1
(一)公司简介    1
(二)产品鉴赏    2
(三)品牌文化    2
(四)产地优势    2
二、徐州白酒市场营销环境分析    3
三、天时系列酒目标市场    4
(一)市场细分    4
(二)目标市场确定    5
四、天时系列酒的营销策略    6
(一)天时系列酒的产品设计    6
(二)产品包装设计    8
(三)天时系列酒价格决策    9
(四)天时系列酒的定价策略    9
(五)价格设计    10
(优尔)天时系列酒通路设计    11
(七)中高档产品的几种销售模式    12
(八)天使系列酒通路设计    12
(九)天时系列酒促销策略    14
(十)天时系列酒的广告策略    14
 致谢    15
参考文献    16
从2000年起,中国白酒业进入了“黄金十年”,在这一时期内,各酒企都快速发展,规模、产能不断扩大。由“三公消费”建立起来的高端酒市场,是一个不健康,不可持续的畸形市场。在国家限制公务消费、反腐、军队禁酒令等影响下,高端白酒市场出现了价量齐跌的现象。茅台、五粮液、洋河等一线酒企高端产品价格大幅回落,给其他酒厂带来了很大压力。各家酒企纷纷推出中端以及中低端价位的白酒,抢占中低端市场,中国白酒迎来了微利时代。 成功宴天时系列酒徐州地区营销策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_34248.html