The correlation analysis of rural settlements and roads in Xuzhou under the GIS support
Rural settlement, which also can be called rural residential areas, is the living place for engaging agricultural activities and rural population’s living; while the road is an important channel connecting the rural settlement and is one of the important landscape elements which affects the form of distribution of rural settlements. As two important landscape elements, there is a complicated correlation between the rural settlements and the roads. The paper selects Xuzhou as the research area and analyzes the correlation between the rural human settlements and roads. The research reveals that the density of rural settlements and road density have a slight negative correlation, the land use scale of rural settlements and road density have a slight positive correlation, and the distribution of rural settlements and road buffer radius is obviously positive-correlated. Rural settlements mostly gather in the buffer with a radius of 250 metres.
Key Words: Rural settlements; Patch density; Average area of patch; Road density; Spatial proximity
1引言 4
1.1研究背景和意义 4
1.2相关研究进展 4
1.2.1乡村聚落研究进展 4
1.2.2道路研究进展 5
1.3主要研究内容和目标 6
2研究区概况与数据获取 7
2.1研究区概况 7
2.1.1自然地理条件 7
2.1.2社会经济条件 7
2.2数据来源与数据处理 7
2.2.1数据来源 7
2.2.1数据统计处理 8
3 结果与分析 10
3.1乡村聚落与道路密度的关联分析 10
3.1.1乡村聚落分布特征 10
3.1.2路网密度分布特征 12
3.1.3乡村聚落与道路密度的分布相关性 12
3.2乡村聚落与道路间邻近度的关联分析 13
3.2.1空间邻近度分析 13
3.2.2乡村聚落与道路间临近度的相关性 14
4结论与展望 14
4.1结论 14
4.2展望 15
[参考文献] 16
聚落又可以称为居民点,是人类各种不同形式的聚居地的总称,从广义上讲,可以分为城市聚落和乡村聚落,从狭义上来讲,聚落就是指区别于城市的乡村聚落(即乡村居民点)[1~2]。作为一个传统意义上的以农业为主的国家,截至2012年,我国仍约有6.42亿的农村人口[3],因此乡村聚落依然是我国主要的聚居地形式。现阶段的研究一般从以下两个方面分别对“乡村聚落”进行定义:一是从生产生活方式上,乡村聚落是指以从事农业活动为主要方式的居民聚居地[4];二是从行政区划上,乡村聚落一般是指县级以下(不包含县级)的居民聚居地[5]。本文研究中所指的乡村聚落是指土地利用现状数据中的县级以下的居民点的集合。 GIS支持下徐州市乡村聚落形态与道路的关联分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_38510.html