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时间:2019-12-11 19:56来源:毕业论文




 Wincell insulation co., LTD. marketing strategy analysis

Abstract: nowadays, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid expansion of the market on the development of building insulation materials industry plays a positive role in the wizard, at the same time, participate in international competition of Chinese enterprises are also increasing. Therefore, we in the face of the deepening of marketization, the production of insulation materials enterprises want tenacious survival, should be global vision to make development strategy, improve efficiency, strengthen technology innovation.

This article obtains from the Wincell insulation co., LTD., heat preservation material current management strategy should be emphasize on strengthening the marketing, in order to compensate for the competitive disadvantage in the scale and strength, thus improve the competitive ability. How to place in the fierce market competition, is the issue to consider many building materials enterprise, and the design of the marketing, strategy and the construction of the team will be the important guarantee of company's strength. And finally, the paper for Wincell insulation co., LTD, a SWOT analysis will give some advice to the promotion of its marketing ability.

Keywords: globalization; Building insulation materials; Competition in the market; marketing strategy

 目  录

引言     1

一、绪论 2

(一)研究的意义和背景   2

(二)研究的内容和方法   3

二、建筑保温材料简介 4

(一)我国建筑保温材料的发展历程 4


1、建筑保温材料的概念  5

2、建筑保温材料的等级划分  5

3、建筑保温材料的优点  5

三、建筑保温材料的市场分析 6

(一)营销环境分析 6

1、宏观环境分析  6

2、行业环境分析  6

(二)主要竞争对手分析 7

1、同行业竞争  7

2、互联网竞争  7

(三)SWOT分析  7

1、优势分析  7

2、劣势分析  7

3、机会分析  8

4、威胁分析   8

5、优势-机会分析  9

6、优势-威胁分析  9

7、劣势-机会分析  9

8、劣势-威胁分析  10


(一)产品定位策略 11

(二)市场细分策略 11

(三)价格策略 12

(四)渠道策略 12

1、厂家直销渠道  13

2、代理商渠道  13

(五)促销策略   13

1、广告  13

2、展会推广  13
