关键词: 百货商店;零售;营销4012
The new model of marketing analysis of department stores in Internet environment
Abstract:The early days of reform and opening up is the Department's golden period of development, it has created "makes money" myth for decades in an industry. However, with the increase in the number of large shopping malls and the intensified competition of market , department stores’ benefits decline in recent years. More and more department stores’ operating depressed and closed their doors gradually. This article aims to analyze the new marketing model of department stores in Internet environment under the guidance of theory.It will combine with the problems faced by the department stores and the development of space. There are four aspects :product innovation, channel innovation, strategy innovation and the concept innovation. At last, it will make some constructive suggestions and opinions to the future development of the department store , I hope the Department to readjust the business model and become more brilliant in the market.
Key Words: Department store;Retail; Marketing
目 录
一、 引言1
1、课题的研究思路 1
2、课题的研究方法 1
二、 研究的现状和发展趋势3
(一)课题的研究现状 3
三、 百货商店的特点与发展趋势4
致谢 16
参考文献 17
(一) 课题的研究背景
百货商店最早出现在法国,到20世纪八十年代才真正地进入中国,并在中国飞速发展起来。因为它经营范围广泛,消费者可以在里面买到任何想买的东西。因其一站式的购物体验以及宽敞的购物环境给消费者带来非常好的感受,所以越来越多的人也愿意去百货商店购物。从建国前期到改革开放这段期间,百货商店经历了其最辉煌的阶段,甚至创造了一个行业几十年“只赚不赔”的神话。但是近些年来却听到很多百货商店纷纷关门歇业的新闻。去年的五月份,上海第一百货关门,变成一家汽车公司的展示厅。前不久上海第二百货永新百货也关门了,要成为优衣库的全球旗舰店。那些以前给几代人带来美好回忆的百货商店都不复存在了,所以我们也应该好好思考这背后的原因是什么,怎样才能帮助百货商店更好地发展,使这一传统商店能在当代社会中继续辉煌起来。 互联网环境下的百货商店营销新模式分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_458.html