毕业论文关键词]:道德提醒;不诚实行为; 风险
Moral Education is very common in China. While there is a lot of people lie in every kind of test. Many researches had explained why people chose to tell a lie. To investigate if Moral remind can prevent people being dishonest on different kinds of risk, and the best time to do moral remind. Here, two experiments conducted to explain.
Experiment 1 was used to investigate whether moral remind is useful in text when people without religious. All the participants were asked to do the matrix test. Half of participants had a moral remind before the test, while the other without the reminding. After the test, half of subjects with a moral remind and half of the without moral remind were asked to destroyed their paper by the shredder. The rest should submit all the paper. Then all the participants told a teacher how many reward they got. The data showed, subjects were more dishonest without a moral remind and under low risk., While there were no differences among others. Specifically, a moral remind made subject more honest.
Experiment 2 was conducted to examine whether do a moral remind in different time have different effects, and which is the best time. This experiment used the matrix test, too. All the participants were assigned to 3 groups. First group with a moral remind ten minutes before the test. The second had a moral remind before the test. The third one had a reminding after the test.
Results showed that a reminding before can stop subjects from being dishonest.
All the results can help reduce dishonest in test by moral reminding.
[Key Words]:Dishonest;Moral reminding;Risk
目 录
摘 要I AbstractII
2.2研究方法 4
2.3结果与分析 6
3.2研究方法 8
3.3 结果与分析 8
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
附 录 14
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
诚实作为一切道德的基础和根本,是人之为人的重要品质,也是社会赖以生存发展的基石。然而在当今社会,不诚实不道德的现象层见叠出。个人诚信的缺失渗透到生活的方方面面,学术造假和新闻造假,商品造假层出不穷;考试作弊、假文凭、假证件屡见不鲜;偷逃税款、骗取保险金、假医假药司空见惯。司机撞伤人倒车就走,路人视而不见;路上摔倒的老人成了洪水猛兽,无人敢靠近。社会诚信的缺失影响到我国社会主义市场的健康发展,蚕食政府在公众心中的形象,甚至最普通的人际关系也收到损害。更有研究表明,人们在日常生活中会做出很多并不会导致严重后果的不诚实行为。 道德提醒对不诚实行为的影响:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46701.html