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时间:2020-02-25 13:12来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:大病保险; 商业保险; 发展模式
Abstract After years of reform and development, Chinese Medical security system has made prominent achievements. Multi-level medical security system covering urban and rural residents with the basic medical insurance as the main body, supplemented by other forms of health insurance and commercial insurance has been initially established. However, the level of protection is still relatively low, and the ability to withstand catastrophic risks is not strong, and personal medical expenditure is still high. As a result, it is urgent to establish a security mechanism of major diseases. This article describes the development models of private insurance companies' participation in management of critical illness insurance. Based on the current background, this article researches and compares various models.
This article describes the development status of China’s commercial insurance companies’ participation in the critical illness insurance and the problems it faces. The dissertation mainly introduces and compares the practice and experience of commercial insurance companies’ participation in management of critical illness insurance. The dissertation describes these models in order to find the solidarity of inner operation mechanism of these successful models and summarizes the practice for commercial insurance companies’ participation in management of basic critical illness insurance, and makes the critical illness insurance nationwide as well.
Key words:Critical Illness insurance; Private insurance; Development model
目    录
摘  要    I
一、引言    1
(一)研究意义    1
(二)文献综述    1
二、商业保险参与大病保险的必要性    2
(一)新医保改革的需要    2
(二)大病保险需要商业保险机构的参与    3
三、我国商业保险参与大病保险的发展现状及问题    4
(一)发展现状    4
(二)发展中存在的问题    5
四、我国商业保险参与大病保险几种模式的比较分析    6
(一)湛江模式    6
(二)太仓模式    7
(三)洛阳模式    7
(四)江阴模式    8
五、主要结论与政策建议    9
(一)主要结论    9
(二)政策建议    11
参考文献    12
致  谢    13
自改革开放以来,我国不断加快医疗保险制度的建设,其保障水平及覆盖面也随着提高。近些年,我国初步形成了以基本医疗保障为主体、其他多种形式补充的医疗保险,以及商业保险为补充、覆盖城乡居民的多层次医疗保障体系,基本医疗保障制度已经基本建立。然而目前医疗保险体系的保障程度仍较低,尤其大病保险制度是一大空缺,沉重的大病医疗负担亟需重特大病保险制度的建立。 商业保险参与大病保险的模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46861.html