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时间:2020-03-07 13:28来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of our country's economy,the rise of supermarket chains in China's large area, greatly facilitates the People's Daily life. Fresh as an indispensable product in the supermarket, is becoming more and more popular with people,when buying fresh items, they attach more importance to the freshness and safety of fresh goods. So supermarkets want to guarantee the quality of the fresh items to obtain higher profits, it must take care of its fresh management of distribution.
   In the increasingly fierce competition in the supermarket,logistics distribution has become the key factors ,which influencing the enterprises’ core competitive power. However, relative to other products of perishable fresh products, easy to loss, difficult to save the characteristics in its logistics link to bring a lot of uncertainty, the distribution become a big problem. It requires us to explore and improve together. Efficient logistics distribution, is an effective means to increase reduce the distribution costs, improve delivering efficiency ,enhance the comprehensive competitive ability of enterprises.So the supermarket to live fresh distribution is of great significance. Rt-mart supermarket is chosen as the study case, analyzing its present situation and defects of fresh distribution process to find out the corresponding solutions.
key word:supermarket,fresh product,distribution
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  选题的背景和意义    1
1.1选题的背景    1
1.2选题的意义    1
第二章  相关理论概述    3
2.1生鲜商品    3
2.2配送    3
2.3冷链物流    4
第三章  大润发超市生鲜配送现状分析    5
3.1大润发超市介绍    5
3.2大润发超市配送现状分析    5
3.2.1大润发超市生鲜配送中心简介    5
第四章  大润发超市生鲜配送优化策略    9
4.1建立专业的生鲜配送中心    9
4.2完善信息管理系统,实现最优化    9
4.3加大监管力度,作业流程标准化    10
4.4冷链技术的引进和开发    11
结论与展望    12
参考文献    14
第一章  选题的背景和意义
随着综合国力的提升,近几年,我国连锁超市在城乡各地得到了迅速发展,越来越方便的人们的日常生活。我国传统产品的生产、销售、流通都随着新的经营方式的出现而发着翻天覆地的变化。此外,伴随着我国农业经济的快速发展,生鲜也越来越受到人们的追捧和喜爱。大大小小的连锁超市无疑为生鲜产品的流通、销售开辟了新的模式。 大润发超市生鲜配送的现状及优化策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_47714.html