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时间:2020-05-08 20:46来源:毕业论文



Research on the Network Marketing Strategy of Loreal Cosmetics

Abstract: Now, in our country,the existing cosmetics market is mainly based on marketing .In the 21th century, with the popularization and application of Internet, cosmetics industry is facing new situation and new challenges. To avoid elimination, cosmetics enterprises only change themselves to adapt the development of the times. By the aid of this effective communication channel, Loreal has developed a various of network marketing strategy to exploit their product’s sales market and occupy cosmetics market shares. On the basis of the analysis of the network marketing strategy of Loreal, it carries on the overall summary, at the same time, it also analyzes the problems it faces such as their advertisement is short of creativity and put a lot of effort. From the network marketing strategy put forward corresponding improvement measures on it to improve the network marketing level. Based on the analysis of the network marketing strategy of Loreal Company, it puts forward suggestions to the cosmetics industry in our country, so as to make the network marketing better.

Key words: Loreal; Cosmetics; Network Marketing

目  录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、欧莱雅公司化妆品网络营销现状 2

(一)欧莱雅公司及品牌简介 2

(二)欧莱雅公司化妆品网络营销现状 3

二、当前欧莱雅化妆品营销环境与市场细分 5

(一)欧莱雅公司化妆品当前的网络营销环境 5

(二)欧莱雅公司化妆品的网络营销市场细分 8

(三)网络环境下欧莱雅公司化妆品的产品定位 9

三、欧莱雅公司化妆品网络营销策略 9

(一)网站设计策略 10

(二)品牌策略 11

(三)价格策略 11

(四)服务策略 12

四、欧莱雅公司化妆品网络营销策略存在的问题 13

(一)品牌影响力不足 13

(二)广告投入的过多且缺乏新意 13

(三)企业网站设计简单且没有深度 14

(四)服务缺乏个性化 欧莱雅公司化妆品网络营销策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_51151.html
