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时间:2020-05-23 11:19来源:毕业论文



The Study on Exploration of New Models of school-enterprise cooperation for the excellent manager     ——Case analysis based on the the Zijin Electronic Group


The idea of excellent manager aims at reforming the university management personnel training mode by innovative school-enterprise cooperation model, and brings up excellent management personnel that meet the need of enterprises. At the present stage College training management personnel exists problems of focusing on theory and classroom education, heavy practice and practice of teaching. The new model of university-enterprise cooperation that based on excellent managers idea aims to adhere to the pragmatic principle, based on practical principle, mutual benefit principle, professional principle, interaction principle and professional principle, building the characteristic practice based on the needs of manager to establish long-term mechanism of school-enterprise cooperation practice and maintain long-term stability of the practice base of school-enterprise cooperation, and it can  create the characteristic brand of the practice base of school-enterprise cooperation and guarantee the students of management subject to actively participate in the corporate practice. To train excellent management personnel will meet the need of the community through the joint efforts of schools and corporate.

Keywords:Excellent managers;School-enterprise cooperation;New model

目 录

0 引言 1

1 卓越管理者设想提出的必要性分析 1

1.1卓越管理者设想的提出 1

1.2卓越管理者设想的必要性 1

1.3基于校企合作的卓越管理者培养设想 2

2 卓越管理者设想与企业员工培训理论分析 4

2.1员工培训理论综述 4

2.2卓越管理者设想与员工培训的关系 5

3 紫金电子集团现有校企合作模式现状及存在问题 6

3.1江苏紫金电子集团概况 6

3.2紫金电子集团内部环境分析 7

3.3紫金电子集团外部环境分析 7

3.4紫金电子集团校企合作模式现状 8

3.5紫金电子集团现有校企合作模式存在的问题及原因分析 8

4 紫金电子集团基于卓越管理者设想的校企合作新模式构建设想 11

4.1校企合作培养卓越管理者的原则 11

4.2校企合作学生培养方案 12

4.3校企合作的制度保障 紫金电子面向卓越管理者设想的校企合作新模式探析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_52389.html
