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时间:2020-06-13 16:52来源:毕业论文



Exploration of Su Ning Cloud Providers’ Strategic Management of Human Resources Based on SWOT Analysis


The strategic management of human resources is the premise and foundation of accelerating the development of an enterprise. Strategic management of human resources in this paper is based on the traditional human resource management, and it also has a variety of strategic function. It carriys out human resource personnel selection, management, use, performance appraisal, development and maintenance activities under the guidance of the enterprise strategy.It regards to realize the strategic goal of enterprise . In this paper, we use SWOT analysis to analyze and study the Su Ning Cloud Providers’ strategic management of human resources.And we have found out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in the strategic management.Based on that,we put forward corresponding  measuers with defensive, offensive, different, reforming policies about Su Ning Cloud Providers.

Keywords: SWOT analysis ; Su Ningyun Cloud Providers; human resources management strategy

目  录

0 引言 1

1 相关理论 2

1.1 人力资源战略管理概念 2

1.2 人力资源战略管理研究 2

1.3 人力资源战略管理实施研究——SWOT分析法 3

2 苏宁云商人力资源现状分析 5

2.1 苏宁云商发展沿革 5

2.2 苏宁云商人力资源管理现状 6

3 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理的SWOT分析 10

3.1 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理优势分析 10

3.2 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理劣势分析 11

3.3 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理机会分析 13

3.4 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理威胁分析 14

4 苏宁云商人力资源战略研究的适用 16

4.1 进攻型人力资源战略(线上业务) 16

4.2 防御性人力资源战略(线下业务) 17

4.3 改革型人力资源战略 17

4.4 差异型人力资源战略 17

5 苏宁云商人力资源管理战略的实施 18

5.1 创新商业模式,推进“超电器化” 18

5.2 招聘多元化,储备线上线下业务人才 18

5.3 创建学习型组织 19

5.4 完善核心人才培养机制 19

结    论 苏宁云商人力资源战略管理的探究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_54244.html
