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时间:2020-06-21 21:47来源:毕业论文


ABSTRACT Based on the perspective of sociology, the author wants to make a systematic description and analysis the status and marriage experience of male homosexual’s wives contemporary China through a method combination of qualitative interview and literature research. According to the experience of make homosexual’s wives, this paper pides the marriage dilemma they have been facing with into four respects: the lack of sex and love in marriage, self-identity crisis and porce dilemma. According to the research and analysis of the marriage dilemma of male homosexual’s wife, the author has got come conclusions as follows: First, a direct cause of the phenomenon of male homosexual’s wife is that Chinese male homosexuals have to enter heterosexual’s wife is the other side of the society and tradition; Gender equality and the expansion of female rights allow Chinese females to stand out and fight for their legitimate right and interests when something unfair or unfortunate happens; During the period of social transition, the ideas of marriage have been so persified that traditional and modern concepts of marriage both play a role in people’s mate choice and marriage expectation in a intertwining manner. In order to reduce The phenomenon of male homosexual’s wife, this paper puts forward three measures to protect male homosexual’s wife legally and socially: to strengthen awareness campaign, to legalize gay marriage, to reinforce the legal protection for male homosexual’s wife and to establish an organization to support male homosexual’s wife.

毕业论文关键词:同妻 婚姻关系 婚姻困境 身份认同

Key words: male homosexual’s wife; marriage; marriage dilemma; identity 

目    录

一、绪论 4

(一)选题背景及意义 4

(二)国内外研究现状 4

1.国外关于“同妻”的研究 4

2.国内关于“同妻”的研究 5

(三)“同妻”概念与类型 6

二、“围城”同妻的婚姻现状 7

(一)婚内性与爱的缺失 7

1.性的缺失 7

2.爱情的缺失 7

(二)离婚困境 7

1.同妻难以选择离婚 7

2.同妻离婚缺乏法律保护 8

(三)自我认同危机 8

1.“同妻”身份的污名化 当代中国同妻群体生存现状及其婚姻困境分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_55118.html
