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时间:2020-06-23 21:12来源:毕业论文




Abstract With rapidly developing of the information technology, the traditional cost management model is no longer meeting the development requirements of the times. Therefore, to explore the advanced construction cost management information system facing the field to become an important issue.

This paper first describes the project cost information management issues in the background. Then describing the information technology, project cost management, and project management concepts, such as information technology are outlined. After the analysis of China's informational situation and existing problems. Through the development of domestical and foreignal construction cost information, comparison, analysis of the causes of their problems. Then putting forward a feasible project cost information construction countermeasures. Finally, the proposed project cost information technology implementation plan, and its implementation is expected to evaluate the effect analysis. Hope that through this research projects on the construction of highly efficient information management platform project cost benefit.

Key word : Cost Management; Information Technology; project cost information

目 录

第一章 工程造价信息化问题的提出及相关概念 2

1.1概述 2

1.1.1研究的背景 2

1.1.2研究的目的 3

1.1.3研究的意义 3

1.2相关概念 4

1.2.1信息化的概念 4

1.2.2工程造价的概念 5

1.2.3工程造价信息化概念 5

第二章 工程造价信息化的发展与阶段划分 7

2.1工程造价信息化国内外发展现状 7

2.1.1国外工程造价信息化发展现状 7

2.1.2国内工程造价管理信息化发展现状 8

2.2信息化建设阶段划分理论 9

2.2.1阶段性划分的必要性 10

2.2.2信息化建设各阶段研究特征 10

2.3工程造价全过程控制的重要性 11

第三章 我国工程造价信息化管理现状与存在的问题 13

3.1目前工程造价信息化管理现状 13

3.2目前工程造价信息化管理存在的问题 13

3.2.1工程造价中存在的问题 14

3.2.2工程造价信息化管理存在的问题 工程造价信息化管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_55268.html
